David Tomassi

David Tomassi

Actor, Voice Actor, Director, Producer and Screenwriter

New York City, New York

Member Since:
March 2015
Last online:
6 days ago
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About David

I am the son of Italian immigrants and a native New Yorker who grew up with European and American traditions and values.

I attended private school for most of my life, as my Mother believed that I should have a good education and struggled to put me through school. Though it was strictly academic I was very artistic gravitating towards the arts. Sculpting, drawing portraits, playing guitar (self taught). Eventually I began to work painting houses and how to fix and plaster walls. As I was working in construction, I earned my Bachelors Degree and Double Majored in International Relations and World Religions. Ultimately I decided to get back in touch with my artistic side.
I recently created, co-wrote and produced a TV/Web series pilot, with one season written. At the moment the pilot is being edited, going to be shopped to networks and will be submitted to festivals. The story is about a hotel concierge and a wacky hotel staff that are his co-workers. How they get anything done is close to amazing, considering they don't always know what they're doing. It's an absurd comedy based in New York City.

I just graduated the Tom Todoroff Conservatory May 2017. I look forward to go on auditions for TV series, Films as well as Independent films!

Unique traits: Tattoos upper left arm (1/2 sleeve), upper right arm, and right calf



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