How to Market Your Indie Film

How to Market Your Indie Film

How to Market Your Indie Film

Jeff Deverett
Jeff Deverett
3 years ago

I am a Distributor turned Filmmaker. I have a finance degree and a law degree and I spent the first 22 years of my film career in Distribution. Then I got the bug to become creative. I have since made and successfully self distributed 7 feature films, 3 of which are presently airing on Netflix worldwide (FULL OUT / FULL OUT 2 - YOU GOT THIS! / KISS & CRY).

In my first Stage 32 blog, I talked about the importance of “creating awareness” for your indie movie.

If people don’t know about your film, they won’t watch it.

So how do you “create awareness”, otherwise known as “marketing?

FILMMAKER to JEFF: It’s the Distributors job to do the marketing and create awareness for the films; that’s what they’re paid to do.

JEFF to FILMMAKER: Not anymore. You can no longer rely on a Distributor to effectively market your film. You need to take on that responsibility yourself.

FILMMAKER: I don’t know how to do marketing and even if I did, I wouldn’t enjoy doing it. I need HELP!

Yes, indie filmmakers need help with marketing. So let’s look at what you need.

How to Market Your Indie Film


Marketing costs money. Studios often spend as much on marketing their movies as they do on making them.

Obviously, indie filmmakers will never have the amount of money or resources that Studios have, but nonetheless, we need to do the best we can.

I suggest that all indie filmmakers tuck away approx. 20% of their production budget for marketing. For example, if you are spending $200k to make your movie, raise $240k in financing and keep $40k for marketing.



If you don’t know what you’re doing, hire someone to help you. For $40k you can afford to hire an experienced marketing company that will execute a targeted and effective social media campaign. Or you can hire a friend or business associate who knows how to smartly navigate the social media platforms and perhaps “influencers”.

You can also try tactics like contests, direct mailings, and community events that can connect your film directly to audiences.

How to Market Your Indie Film


Marketing doesn’t happen “organically”, you need to make it happen. You have to be as creative, persistent, and tenacious in marketing your film as you are in making it.

Even if you have to start slowly with just family and friends, you need to somehow get people talking about your movie; “word of mouth” can be your most effective marketing tool. Be persistent in connecting with everyone you know . . . and everyone they know. Be innovative & creative with your marketing materials; take some chances.

Be tenacious; this is not going to be easy. It’s like pushing a big boulder uphill and you’ll want to give up every step of the way. But just keep focusing on the top of the hill, not each step.

Indie filmmaking is not an easy business and marketing is the most challenging component. But if you know ahead of time that this challenge will be upon you, then you’ll be better prepared mentally and financially when you have to face it.

If you need ideas and help, contact me and I’ll point you in the right direction.

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About the Author

Jeff Deverett

Jeff Deverett

Director, Distributor, Producer, Screenwriter

1. Producer/Writer/Director – FULL OUT 2 – YOU GOT THIS! – feature film, 2020 2. Producer/Writer/Director – ISM – feature film, 2018 3. Producer & Exec Prod. – THE SAMUEL PROJECT – feature film, 2017 4. Producer & Exec Prod. – KISS & CRY – feature film, 2016 5. Producer & Exec Prod. – FULL OUT –...

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1 Comments on Jeff's Article

Alan Barr
Director, Screenwriter
First I wanted to say I really like enjoyed this info, and have enjoyed Jeff's youtube videos as well. I am curious though in a general sense, what your 20 percent marketing budget really gets you though... Let's say you have 20k and you pay for advertising, etc to get clicks on your amazon prime or wherever it is linked, Will your return per click be greater than what you spent to get them there? I've heard/seen amazon for instance pays peanuts. If it's to get butts into a theater, well good luck getting your indie film into one. So i'm just curious I guess the most efficient place you could put this 20 percent and feel/receive back your cost of spending when clicks online are worth next to nada. 
3 years ago