It's Time For Our Cannes 2024 Recap!

It's Time For Our Cannes 2024 Recap!

It's Time For Our Cannes 2024 Recap!

Happy Tuesday, Creative Army!

2024 was Stage 32’s 11th year on La Croisette at the Cannes Film Festival and our 8th year as an official education partner of Cannes Marché du Film!

It was amazing to see so many people from our global community show up to celebrate, network, and support each other. We had Stage 32 members screening their films and closing big deals, showcasing the immense talent that we’re lucky to foster here every day. We also had members attending and hosting panels, furthering their education and understanding of our ever-evolving creative industry.

Being at Cannes is always a privilege, but this year was truly inspirational. Over the next few weeks, we’re going to provide you all with highlights of the panels that we hosted and the valuable insights that were shared with us. So stay tuned for more!

Today, we’re kicking things off with a recap of our wonderful events!

Its Time For Our Cannes 2024 Recap

Stage 32 + The PJ Party!

On Thursday, May 16th, we kicked things off with a bang! Stage 32 co-hosted the #1 rated party at Cannes! It was a fantastic night filled with unlimited champagne and red carpet-photos by Getty. Everyone came out in their best pajamas to network with the biggest movers and shakers in the industry.

Its Time For Our Cannes 2024 Recap

Stage 32 + World of Film International Festival Private Villa Party!

On Saturday, May 18th, Stage 32 and World of Film International Festival Scotland co-hosted a private villa networking party for our Stage 32 educators and executives! It was a wonderful night of celebration to honor our fantastic industry leaders.

You can check it out for yourself in the below video!

Its Time For Our Cannes 2024 Recap

The Annual American Pavilion Stage 32 Networking Party!

On Sunday, May 19th, we hosted our annual networking meetup at the American Pavilion. This incredible event allowed our Stage 32 members who were in attendance to make meaningful connections with professionals from all over the world. I was inspired by all of you who approached Amanda and me to share your stories and what Stage 32 means to you!

You can see all of the highlights in the below video!

Its Time For Our Cannes 2024 Recap

Stage 32’s Incredible Film USA Panel Lineup!

Full videos of all of our Film USA Panels will be shared with you all exclusively in Stage 32 blogs over the next handful of weeks. Keep your eyes peeled and dive in to experience the fantastic insights, advice, and information that was shared at Cannes! Details of each panel are recapped for you below.

Its Time For Our Cannes 2024 Recap

Stage 32 Presents: In Competition - Meet the Producers from this Year’s In-Competition Films

Friday, May 17, 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Being chosen as an official selection of the Festival de Cannes is one of the most prestigious achievements in the entertainment industry, and this year the lineup includes some of the best films the festival has ever seen. Getting a film from script to screen is a difficult task, and getting chosen as an official selection at the Cannes Film Festival is extraordinary. Join us as we talk with the producing teams of some of this year’s films to learn more about how the projects came together and what makes them stand out from the crowd.

Moderator: Richard Botto - CEO of Stage 32


  • Daniel Bekerman, APPRENTICE (Official Selection)
  • Steve Demmler, OH CANADA (Official Selection)
  • Jesse Burgum, BIRD (Official Selection)

Stage 32 Presents: State of the Industry - Post-Strike Dealmaking for Actors & Writers

Monday, May 20, 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Last year’s strikes rocked the industry, and while production is ramping back up the landscape has changed. This panel of industry experts will address the changes and challenges actors and writers now face while assembling projects in this evolving industry, offering strategies for successful dealmaking in the post-strike era.

Moderator: Martin Petrov - Director of WoFF


  • Richard Botto - CEO, Stage 32
  • Jack Sheehan - President, Archstone Films
  • Adhrucia Apana - Producer, ARMORED

Stage 32 Presents: To Stream or Not to Stream: That is the Distribution Question

Monday, May 21, 3:00pm - 5:00pm

This Stage 32 expert panel will explore the pros and cons of distribution deals, ranging from theatrical to streaming to self-distribution, providing insights into the best options for producers today. They will tackle questions such as whether the back-end pay from the days of peak TV is truly a thing of the past and if mid-budget films can ever find a successful opening weekend in theaters again. Explore the market trends and options from a conversation with these unique perspectives.

Moderator: Emma Louis Smith - ACCA, Finance Strategist, Monaco


  • Lee Broda - Executive Producer, APPRENTICE (Official Selection)
  • Tiffany Boyle - President, Ramo Law, OH CANADA (Official Selection)
  • Sara Elizabeth Timmins - Producer, Life Out Loud Films
  • Amy Baer - Executive Producer, APPRENTICE (Official Selection)

Let's hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Got an idea for a post? Or have you collaborated with Stage 32 members to create a project? We'd love to hear about it. Email Ashley at and let's get your post published!

Please help support your fellow Stage 32ers by sharing this on social. Check out the social media buttons at the top to share on Instagram @stage32 , Twitter @stage32 , Facebook @stage32 , and LinkedIn @stage-32 .

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About the Author

Richard "RB" Botto

Richard "RB" Botto

Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist

Richard "RB" Botto has created the online platform and marketplace designed to democratize the entertainment industry, Stage 32. By leveling the playing field for all film, television and digital content creators and professionals worldwide, Stage 32 provides networking and training opportunities as...

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