The Difference Between a Starving Artist and a Wealthy Artist is Patronage

The Difference Between a Starving Artist and a Wealthy Artist is Patronage

The Difference Between a Starving Artist and a Wealthy Artist is Patronage

Julie Austin
Julie Austin
5 years ago

We’ve all heard the myth about the starving artist. This is the myth that artists need to suffer for their art if they want respect as an artist. This crazy myth has been around for over 150 years and unfortunately many artists today still believe it. The myth started in 19th century Paris with a group of artists who lived passionately for their art, but also lived in poverty. The artists were nicknamed “the water drinkers” because they couldn’t afford to drink wine.

Writer Henry Murger wrote about his life as a water drinker, surviving in an attic, but dreaming of becoming a working writer. He warned of the consequences of going down that path for too long. He never really got out of the starving artist's situation himself and died penniless.

His funeral attracted hundreds of luminaries from the worlds of art, theater, and literature, so he did attain respect as an artist. The interesting thing is that the monument that was built in his honor was paid for by crowdfunding. We tend to think of crowdfunding as a modern way of financially supporting artists, but it’s been around for hundreds of years. If Murger had used this technique to fund his career, he might have been much more successful and avoided the path of poverty he ultimately went down.

The Difference Between a Starving Artist and a Wealthy Artist is Patronage

The Artist’s Dilemma

Whether you’re a performing artist, fine artist, or literary artist, there is always the dilemma of working on your craft or paying bills. Unless you’re independently wealthy and can afford to spend time on your art as a hobby, you have to keep the lights on. Do you go down the path of the starving artist and hope you’ll make it one day or do you “get a real job”?

After all, it takes time, money, and energy to pursue your craft. There are plenty of actors, writers, musicians, dancers, painters, etc. who audition, write, play in a band, dance, and paint in their spare time, all while working a regular job to pay the bills. But it’s exhausting. Not to mention it sucks the life out of creativity! What if there was a way to spend all of your time pursuing the artist's life while making good money at the same time? Developing your craft, perfecting your brand, and jumping ahead of your competition? There is. It’s called…


Patronage, or sponsorship, is financial support from a wealthy donor or group of donors, that allows you to spend all of your time working on your craft. It could come from a wealthy lover of the arts, the government, corporations, small businesses, foundations, or the general public. Some of the most famous artists in history had sponsors - Beethoven, Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Leonardo di Vinci, and Botticelli. A couple of examples of more modern patronage relationships would be the playwright Charles Mee and actress Eva Le Gallienne.

Charles Mee met his patron, Richard B. Fisher, and his wife Jeanne, at a summer vacation spot. Mee was making a living as a playwright, while Richard was making a fortune as a Wall Street tycoon. They kept in touch through the years and when Mee’s income dropped, he wrote to Fisher to ask him about going into the playwriting business together. Fisher had a better idea. He told Mee he would be his patron so that he could spend full-time on his writing. He ended up as his patron for the rest of his life. Then his wife Jeanne took over after his death.

Eva Le Gallienne was a pioneer in the American Repertory Movement, a precursor to Off-Broadway. She was also an entrepreneur who produced and starred in her own productions with the help of her long-time patron Alice Delamar, a gold mining heiress. Along with her other patron Otto Kahn, she created America’s first classical repertory theater.

The Difference Between a Starving Artist and a Wealthy Artist is Patronage

Sources of Patronage

1. General Public

Crowdfunding has been around since the 1700s, but now it’s become much easier. The Internet has opened up a whole new world for artists who want to get financial support for their projects. Instead of getting patronage from one wealthy lover of the arts, crowdfunding enables artists to get funding from multiple people.

Today there are over 1,000 crowdfunding platforms to choose from, from Kickstarter to Patron, and everything in between.

2. Corporations

Art has been intertwined with commerce for decades. Corporations have been buying art and sponsoring spokespeople for just as long. TV and radio announcers used to say “And now a word from our sponsor.” Once radio became national, big corporate sponsors took over the programming. This is similar to getting the naming rights to a big event or college stadium.

It started as a single sponsor of a show, but that all changed when a savvy entrepreneur, Ida Baily Allen, decided to sell individual spots for her radio show. Now we usually see multiple sponsors of TV and radio shows.

The Difference Between a Starving Artist and a Wealthy Artist is Patronage

3. Small Business Sponsors

I started my sponsorship career in NYC with a TV pilot. My boss left the office and told me to get sponsors for the show. I had no idea what I was doing, but naively put together a sponsorship package and started going door to door to get small businesses interested in investing in our show. It worked! We got enough small business sponsors together to put together a variety TV show with Saturday Night Live writers and several name celebrities for the first episode. I’ve been using this system to support my artistic endeavors ever since.

I believe small business sponsorship will be the next hot trend since crowdfunding. It was actually done during the Renaissance when small businesses hired artists to paint their shops, and perform in front of them to draw a crowd.

Today’s artists are perfectly poised to tap into this goldmine of financing. In the US alone there are over 25 million small businesses. Artists who are able to treat their careers as an entrepreneur and raise funding themselves will have a strong competitive advantage, just like other successful and wealthy artists throughout history.

4. Foundations

One reason artists should pursue local and regional small business sponsorship is because most family foundations that support the arts tend to want to support local and regional artists. High tax rates on the wealthy after WWII spurred growth in the creation of foundations and trusts as tax shelters. This is good news for artists who are looking for grants to fund their careers.

Today most big corporations and high wealth families have foundations set up. Some support education and other issues, and others support the arts. Community foundations have now started a trend called “giving circles”. This is where people in a community pool their money, time, talent and resources for the good of the community.

Grants are similar to sponsorship. Both allow you to spend more time on your craft and less time worrying about paying the bills. Neither of them have to be repaid, but you are still expected to produce as an artist and follow certain guidelines.

The Difference Between a Starving Artist and a Wealthy Artist is Patronage

5. Government

Government-commissioned art has been around for thousands of years. The National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities was established in 1965. The purpose was to offer funding and support for projects that exhibited artistic excellence. This includes a wide range of artists.

Most grants go to large non-profits, and a small number of grants go to individual artists. It’s easier to spread the money around when it goes to a large nonprofit because they can target more artists at once. The individual artists who get grant funding from the government are usually well known, established artists.

Patronage in the Future

The walls around the gatekeepers of every industry are coming down. No longer do artists have to hold their hands out and beg for work. Smart artists are learning how to create their own opportunities as I did with the TV pilot. I created the job of the newscaster in the show and cast myself in the role.

Shakespeare knew that by being the owner of the theater he would always have a job as an artist. Plus he made money renting it out to other artists. The savvy entrepreneurial artist of the future will be using sponsorship to create their own career path and will end up jumping ahead of artists who simply wait for others to give them a job.

Sponsorship is a multi-billion dollar industry that keeps growing every year, regardless of the economy. Isn’t it time to get a piece of that pie?

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About the Author

Julie Austin

Julie Austin

Author, Host/Presenter, Screenwriter

Julie Austin is an award-winning author, inventor, and multiple business owner. Her patented product, swiggies, wrist water bottles, have been a NASDAQ product of the year semi finalist and are currently sold in 24 countries. Julie and her products have appeared on The Today Show, Lifetime Network,...

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6 Comments on Julie's Article

Maria Johnsen
Filmmaker, Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Songwriter
Crowd founding requires having the right strategy otherwise it won’t work. You have to create a pre launch marketing plan, social media marketing and influencer marketing strategies in order to make it fruitful. As of today in 2020, 95% of indie film crowd funding campaigns don’t work because the majority of filmmakers lack network of wealthy movie goers and wealthy investors who would help them financially. Even then you have to see what kind of moviegoers they are as they don’t support every genre of movie. You can’t promote a horror to ROM COM lovers. As for the government funding, the majority of film fund and film institutes in Europe and North America support production companies with proven track record of sales from their previous films or they don’t help. Although all of these funding organizations are established to help indie filmmakers but in practice, they don’t care about you and your film, period. Private investors are already booked by hungry start-up businesses and 99.9% don’t accept new projects. The majority of cooperation and major player businesses have their own private funding parties and banquets where they meet some of those smart start-up backed up with powerful influncers. They don’t help average Joe artist and filmmaker. Because they want to show off with their investment money. It is good for business. This is why if they donate something, they spread the word on social media and press releases to get even more investment opportunities and allies for their own business. They don’t just donate to a charity just for the sake of donation, it is an investment strategy. To raise money for anything requires having the network of people with a voice aka Influencers within a niche. It starts with a smart networking. Today “door-to-door” asking for sponsorship for anything isn’t effective anymore. It worked before but not now. I even wrote a book about it “The Surprising Truth about Sales: A holistic approach to closing a deal” which is jam packed with proven sales strategies, case studies and what works and what doesn’t. Artists lack selling expertise; this is why they are called hungry artists. 99.9% of filmmakers lack marketing expertise therefore they cannot sell their films after post-production. This is why they won’t be able to get their return on investment. Investors, private funding and private investors help if you have a 5 years marketing and sales plan for your project, only then it goes through their lawyers and the answer will be either “No” or they want their money after finishing the principle of photography, so you have to go through a series of processes to pay back their money. These days everything is done by entertainment lawyers and a lot of paperwork. Small businesses lack money for marketing their own business, let alone getting money to invest on someone else’s venture. If they had money they would invest on marketing of their own business. Time has changed,dear.
5 years ago
Julie Austin
Author, Host/Presenter, Screenwriter
Maria, if you closed 6000 deals and you're an expert in sales then you must be rich and not sure what you're worried about. It sounds like you just want to argue with me. Maybe I know a few tricks that you don't because I just booked my own sponsors last month. Maybe you should take my sponsorship course to learn what those tricks are and where to find the sponsors who have money. Yes, there are definitely small businesses who have money and are investing it in marketing right now. Maybe you're looking in the wrong place or having a negative attitude that is turning them off.
5 years ago
Maria Johnsen
Filmmaker, Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Songwriter
 Julie, who are these small businesses that are not holding tight to their hard earned dollars in this broken economy of United States of America? In 2020, the U.S. economy began to experience widespread collapse due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I would like very much to know who are these businesses that are giving money and expecting return ( if any) within a year? Because I have been knocking at many doors since 2017 and no luck. I even had some of my American indie film producers to come on board and do the same and no luck. I give you my example I have been pitching my film projects to more than 17 European countries’ film funding, film institutes and film production companies and companies across the United States of America and Canada. The executive producers were/are between ages of 30 to 65 years old. 95% of these executive producers and major film distributors whom I met have an attention span of under 2 minutes. I don’t blame them cause they get pitched so many stories on daily basis. Imagine how hopeless is to pitch to these people! This is why during the past 5 years we don’t see good movies anymore. I am not talking about exception.   I contacted with major player organizations, angel investors and medium sized companies and no luck. I traveled and have been having skype meetings on daily basis. My cast and crew are my witnesses. During my pitching to these film production companies and small businesses I used my language and sales expertise and laid out my 5 years sales projection plan, my pitch decks, treatment and scripts in Russian, Nordic, French, German, Chinese, Spanish and Italian languages. Because I know 18 languages. I even pitched in Chinese language for crying out loud to Chinese businesses in order to get my films financed.  We are living in a strange timing. I wish I were wrong, but no matter what I do, I come back to where I am. Do you know why? Because right now indie filmmakers have hard time to get their films made because of lack of seed money. The reason I was allowed and got appointments at many meetings at major organizations was because of my influence in media and social media. When it comes to sales expertise, one certainly should give the job to an expert in the field. However a producer and executive producer must have knowledge in sales and marketing. A screenwriter, producer, actor and any other crew members in film business should know how to sell their expertise. Do you know why some people are unemployed? Because they don’t know how to sell themselves to companies and get a job. Even I with 11 years experience in sales and marketing hired a film marketing company in L.A to help with my feature film. Indie filmmakers do not have $2 million to spend on marketing their low to medium budget films in order to get their investment money back plus profit. Marketing and selling requires having talent, willing to do it and expertise. And you should hire the expert companies to come on board and help you with marketing and sales of your film. Today the majority of small businesses do everything on their own to save money. This is why they go bankrupt within a few years. I helped businesses in various niches to get more leads, land sales and increase their patients within health, entertainment, car dealerships, real estate, software design and clothing business. I closed 6000 projects successfully in Europe and North America and when I am stating that it is difficult, it really is. In my opinion economic activity not just in the U.S and Canada but also in Europe will be normalized in 2021 but not right now. Production companies do not take any chances. This is why currently they read scripts and option only. The question is as to whether or not indie filmmakers and artists would benefit from the change I future, only time can tell.
5 years ago
William Joseph Hill
Actor, Screenwriter, Filmmaker
Thanks for the article,  Julie!  It's a good reminder of some sources that have become available to us creative folk over the past few years.  I wonder how crowdfunding strategies will evolve with the economic uncertainty from the pandemic?  
5 years ago
William Joseph Hill
Actor, Screenwriter, Filmmaker
Thanks for the tip, Julie.  That sounds like a great avenue to pursue further.
5 years ago
Julie Austin
Author, Host/Presenter, Screenwriter
Good question, William. I've never used crowdfunding myself. I have always used small business sponsorship. It's true that small businesses have been hit very hard, but there are always people who have money, no matter what the economy is like. I just got a small biz sponsor for a webinar series. They were making even more money now. You just have to look for the industries who are still doing well and also look for people who share your same interests and goals. Sponsorship works better for small businesses than advertising. 
5 years ago
Harri-Pekka Virkki
Author, Stunt Performer
Financing is always interesting topic. If you want check what kind of movies/tv-series Finnish Film Foundation supports here is the link: . Great post. Thanks for sharing!
5 years ago
Tennyson Ewing Stead
Director, Producer, Screenwriter
One of the things I keep driving home in my own blogs is that showbusiness hasn't fundamentally changed since Elizabethan London was the center of world culture, and that dramaturgy is the secret to figuring out the most stable market trends in showbusiness. When it comes to having access to patronage, privilege is obviously a huge factor - but that's not a new development, it doesn't change the fact that you're presenting a clear picture of where things are today, and I can see you're working on an answer to that problem! I will definitely check out your business. If there's ever anything I can do to help you achieve any goals you may still have in entertainment production, I hope you'll reach out.
5 years ago
Julie Austin
Author, Host/Presenter, Screenwriter
Yes, that's one thing I learned from writing the book is that show business hasn't really changed at all. Technology and the Internet have actually made it more accessible. There is a chapter in the book on dillettantes who have money but just create art as a hobby. Shakespeare came from a poor family and even had to drop out of school to go to work. But he developed a great work ethic and found his own patrons. He's a great example of an artist who became successful by being an entrepreneur even with no contacts.
5 years ago
Prema Rose
Actor, Art Director, Choreographer, Content Creator, Dancer, Director, Filmmaker, Playwright, Producer, Screenwriter, Songwriter, Theatre Director
Great article, Julie.I was in the company of The National Repertory Theater with Eva Le Gallienne in 1963. I was 21 and had just graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.Fast forward many decades and many adventures in and out of the theater and I am producing an award winning animated/live action musical, The MicroCosmic Cartoon Show. Check it out at and become a sponsor.!
5 years ago
Julie Austin
Author, Host/Presenter, Screenwriter
Prema, that's awesome! 
5 years ago
Tasha Lewis
Actor, Author, Choreographer, Dancer, Director, Editor, Filmmaker, Marketing/PR, Narrator, Producer, Researcher, Screenwriter, Student, Translator, Voice Actor
Thank you for your article.  Sponsorship is essential in all industries.  Whatever industry you choose, having a sponsor whether family, friend, or outside source, the requirements of each one will dictate how your business progresses.  If your passion for your craft doesn't include the realities of "how it works", then financial struggles may change the narrative.
5 years ago