
Inspirational Stage 32 Blogs

Announcing the 5th Annual New Voices in Animation Screenwriting Contest

Hey, Stage 32 Community! A great animated film or TV show combines adventurous storytelling, colorful character development, visually stunning animation, and a imaginative spirit to create an immersive and memorable experience. Classic animated shows like THE SIMPSONS or SOUTH PARK are some of the most watched series of all time, in the television and film spaces. Current animated franchises like DESPICABLE ME, INSIDE OUT, and MOANA have fans waiting on the edge of thei...

Pat Alexander
Pat Alexander
4 months ago
Announcing the 5th Annual New Voices in Animation Screenwriting Contest

Coffee & Content: Creating Powerful Dialogue

Happy Sunday, Creative Army! Have you had a creative weekend so far? I have some content here for you that is sure to get the creative juices flowing, so grab your coffee, and let's dive in. First up, in this video from Writer Brandon McNulty, he’s breaking down how to write strong and effective dialogue--with examples from The Dark Knight, Game of Thrones, The Godfather, and more! He highlights what he feels are the “3 Higher Purposes of Dialogue”, looking at how in success, dialogue presen...

Richard "RB" Botto
Richard "RB" Botto
4 months ago
Coffee & Content: Creating Powerful Dialogue

A Writer’s Guide To Staying Inspired & Motivated When It Gets SH***Y

Staring at a blank computer screen, hoping the words will come. Seeing the idea you have been secretly working on for months was just purchased by a major studio from another writer who had a similar idea. Bitter clashes over creative differences. All realities in our creative world. How does one maintain that peaceful, easy feeling inside when one's head and heart are exploding with anything but peaceful, easy feelings? Well, first, take some quiet time to just breathe—long inhalations, long...

Maria Baltazzi
Maria Baltazzi
4 months ago
A Writer’s Guide To Staying Inspired & Motivated When It Gets SH***Y

Announcing the 8th Annual Sci-Fi/Fantasy Screenwriting Contest

Hey, Stage 32 Community! A great sci-fi/fantasy movie or TV show captivates audiences by seamlessly blending rich and imaginative worlds with relatable characters, thought-provoking futuristic themes, and groundbreaking storytelling. Classic science fiction franchises like STAR TREK or STAR WARS are some of the most watched series of all time, in both the film and television spaces. Current shows like SEVERANCE, HOUSE OF THE DRAGON, and DOCTOR WHO have fans waiting on t...

Pat Alexander
Pat Alexander
5 months ago
Announcing the 8th Annual Sci-Fi/Fantasy Screenwriting Contest

Turning Setbacks Into Success: How Creatives Handle Rejection

I recently hosted an AMA—Ask Me Anything here on Stage 32. One of the questions asked by a community member was about how to handle rejection and not internalize it. I felt this was a good one to share and expand on in this month's blog because rejection is a challenge for all of us to handle well. Even as an award-winning producer and author, lord knows I have had my share of "sorry, this is a pass for us" or "this project does not fit our current slate." Whether in our careers, relationships,...

Maria Baltazzi
Maria Baltazzi
5 months ago
Turning Setbacks Into Success: How Creatives Handle Rejection

Coffee & Content: How To "Make It" In Film Today

Happy Sunday, Creative Army! Have you had a creative weekend so far? I have some content here for you that is sure to get the creative juices flowing, so grab your coffee, and let's dive in. First up, in this video from the Standard Story Company, they're providing some inspiration on how to jumpstart your career path. It can be challenging when you're starting out and aren't sure which "path" is right for you. While no two journeys are exactly the same, this video can jumpstart some new ide...

Richard "RB" Botto
Richard "RB" Botto
5 months ago
Coffee & Content: How To "Make It" In Film Today

Celebrate The April 2024 Stage 32 Community's Successes

Hey Stage 32ers! We love celebrating this community and all that you've all achieved, and we know you do too! We wanted to make sure that all the successes you've garnered are getting their proper due so keep reading to learn all about signings, deals, meetings, script requests, and so much more from the month of April... Congrats to Writers' Room member Sean Malcolm who was selected for an OWA and is now in talks with producers at BCDF Pictures. Congrats to Stage 32 Screenwriting Con...

Emily J
Emily J
5 months ago
Celebrate The April 2024 Stage 32 Community's Successes

Coffee & Content: What You Didn't Know About Screenwriting

Happy Sunday, Creative Army! Have you had a creative weekend so far? I have some content here for you that is sure to get the creative juices flowing, so grab your coffee, and let's dive in. First up, in this video from The Art Of Story, you'll dig into the first page of your script. This podcast is great for discussing story, character, theme, and more in screenwriting, and this episode takes a closer look at how much you need to say with just a small, single page of your story. Next up,...

Richard "RB" Botto
Richard "RB" Botto
5 months ago
Coffee & Content: What You Didn't Know About Screenwriting

Balancing It All As A Creative

As a working actor, I am often asked: How do you balance your acting career with the rest of your life? It usually comes from those who aren't actors/artists or those who are actors but are struggling to find that balance. This got me thinking about balance and I asked myself whether "balance" is just an abstract idea or something practical to have in your life. More importantly, is it even possible to have balance with all the things we have going on, all the tasks we have to perform every...

Brigitte Millar
Brigitte Millar
5 months ago
Balancing It All As A Creative

Multi-Hyphenate Creatives: You Can Do It All - But Should You?

You’ve heard the saying “Jack of all trades, master of none”? I’m going to start with something controversial, I hate that quote. This quote has been preached to me on many occasions throughout my career and I can imagine it will continue for the rest of my years. Why this quote? Because my creativity is hard to grasp, I do many things and can do many things well. Does this sound like you? Your creativity doesn’t fit in the societal norms of occupation, the idea that we decide to be or do one...

Annisa Belonogoff
Annisa Belonogoff
5 months ago
Multi-Hyphenate Creatives: You Can Do It All - But Should You?
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