Learn from an actress and producer with films on HULU and NETFLIX!
How many auditions have you gone to knowing your sides and having done the prep work, only to find that, yet again, you’re not getting the part or even a callback?
It’s hard enough just to get an audition, and the constant rejection wears on you.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
There is a skill set of 10 tools required to book a role that you must develop and use before, during, and after your audition. More importantly, you can master these 10 tools if you put in the time.
Working actor and producer, Rachael Paulson, has used these 10 tools time and time again to get work and stay working.
Rachel is the star of the Hulu film GOOD KISSER, the series @DATING ZOE, the co-host of DRINK RESPONSIBLY WITH RACHEL PAULSON, and the co-host of GAY VS. STRAIGHT BITCHES with ONE TREE HILL alum, Lindsey McKeon.
She has worked in the industry for decades, alongside her sisters Sarah Paulson (AMERICAN CRIME STORY, OCEAN’S 8) and Liz Paulson (SVP of Casting for FOX), and has successfully applied the 10 tips and tricks she'll be teaching you in this Stage 32 exclusive on demand webinar.
After this webinar, you’ll have the tools and confidence to own your preparation and turn every opportunity to audition into a new credit on your resume!
Praise For Rachel:
"Working with Rachel opened my eyes on all the things I can do outside of the audition to stand out to casting directors and producers." -- Samuel S.
"Rachel gives a comprehensive outlook on the industry and how to build your toolkit to make sure you nail every audition. Very helpful!" -- Jabari R.
"Rachel's experience and expertise shines through in her teaching. She's clearly a pro in both acting and producing, and her tips and tricks for booking a role are tangibly helpful for actors at any stage in their careers." -- Kaitlyn B.
What You'll Learn
- Getting a Bookable Headshot
- Hiring a professional
- Acting for you headshot
- The Keys to Prepping an Audition
- Take the time
- Finding the emotion
- Choices
- Essential Camera Techniques
- Looking at the camera, hitting marks, showing face and eyelines
- Dressing for the Audition
- Dos and don’ts
- Finding the Comedy in Copy
- How to find it and what to do with it
- How to Make Branding and Social Media Work for You
- Tricks for before and after your audition
- Knowing your Types
- How your type(s) can unlock auditions and lead to a booking
- Leaving Desperation at the Door
- How to “Book” the Room
- Step-by-step tips
- The 7 Different Types of Auditions and How to Nail Them
- Q&A with Rachel
Who Should Attend
Actors who are looking to book more feature film work.
Actors who are looking to book more television work.
Actors who are looking to book more commercial work.

Rachel Paulson has grown up in a family of Hollywood royalty. She and her sisters, Emmy-winner Sarah Paulson (AMERICAN CRIME STORY, OCEAN'S 8) and Liz Paulson (SVP of Casting for FOX) have worked together for decades to learn every aspect of acting and casting and how to put yourself in the best position to stand out and book the job. Rachel Paulson is an actress, producer and online influencer with over a decade of experience in the industry. Over her career, Rachel has worked on both sides of acting - both as a casting director as well as talent. In addition, she has studied social media and how you can use it to put yourself in the best position. She is currently the star of the series DATING ZOE, the host of the video series Drink Responsibly with Rachel Paulson, and the co-host of the podcast Gay vs. Straight Bitches with One Tree Hill alum, Lindsey McKeon. She also stars as the lead "Kate" in the upcoming LGBTQ drama film GOOD KISSER on Hulu.
Praise For Rachel:
"Working with Rachel opened my eyes on all the things I can do outside of the audition to stand out to casting directors and producers." -- Samuel S.
"Rachel gives a comprehensive outlook on the industry and how to build your toolkit to make sure you nail every audition. Very helpful!" -- Jabari R.
"Rachel's experience and expertise shines through in her teaching. She's clearly a pro in both acting and producing, and her tips and tricks for booking a role are tangibly helpful for actors at any stage in their careers." -- Kaitlyn B.
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