One of the biggest challenges you’ll face as an actor or actress is learning lines for auditions, or even when you get onto set. It can be a real challenge to be among the few who are able to do so quickly. It can be the make or break for a booking, callback or avail. Luckily there are some techniques you can use to make memorizing easier and less daunting.
The key to doing this is simple: you don’t have to be memorized 100 percent with the EXACT words on the page, its important to know the story, and the general idea of the script when auditioning for a project. When on set you’ll have to know it word for word. Many actors struggle with memorization due to time constraints, issues with vocabulary, long scripts, and just the general idea that it’s not that simple. However, do not let that stop you! We have amazing techniques to help you remember that script.
Rachel Paulson has grown up in a family of Hollywood royalty. She and her sisters, Emmy-winner Sarah Paulson (AMERICAN CRIME STORY, OCEAN'S 8) and Liz Paulson (SVP of Casting for FOX) have worked together for decades to learn every aspect of the entertainment with much success. Rachel is the star of the series "DATING ZOE", the host of the video series Drink Responsibly with Rachel Paulson, and the co-host of the podcast Gay vs. Straight Bitches with One Tree Hill alum, Lindsey McKeon. She stars as the lead "Kate" in the LGBTQ drama film GOOD KISSER on Hulu. Rachel currently has a YA television series in development based on a true story, with Sarah Paulson attached to produce. Rachel specializes in Comedy and Drama Features and Television.
Rachel will teach you a new way to think about memorizing lines and techniques and ideas that you can start using today to get off book (or off book enough) in no time. She will walk you through common misconceptions you may have about memorization (do you REALLY need to be 100% off book?) and share multiple approaches she's developed to help her get her lines down more quickly. Rachel will even go deeper by showing how these techniques and the art of memorization can be used to make the script your own. By the end of this webinar, you’ll walk away with more confidence to nail your next audition and your performance on set.
What You'll Learn
- Do You Need To Learn Techniques and How?
- What Are Your issues with memorizing?
- What are skills that you need to posses?
- How do you make memorizing lines easier?
- Does everyone struggle with this?
- Common Misconceptions:
- You need to be 100 percent off book” for an audition
- People will judge you if you hold the script.
- The issue with improv
- What You’re Going to Learn Through the Process of memorizing
- Approaches to Making it Easier to Memorize:
- Reading it over and over with someone
- Recording it and then re-listening.
- Hearing it while you sleep
- How to use internet sites to help you memorize
- “Running it” alone.
- How to Make the Script your Own
- Improv techniques to help with memorizing
- How to show casting you’re personality while still being semi on book
- What “semi” on book means
- How to change the script, without changing it.
- The Art of Not Giving Up
- Why Working on the Script Helps
- Most of us can all memorize eventually.
- The more you do it., the better it will be.
- The “in the mirror” exercise
- Breaking it down word for word
- Understanding the context of the script
- Q&A with Rachel
Who Should Attend
All levels of directors (advanced, intermediate and beginner) looking to learn a new way to think about memorizing lines, techniques and new ideas.
All levels of writers (advanced, intermediate and beginner) looking to learn a new way to think about memorizing lines, techniques and new ideas.
Producers looking to learn a new way to think about memorizing lines, techniques and new ideas.
Actors looking to learn a new way to think about memorizing lines, techniques and new ideas.

Rachel Paulson has grown up in a family of Hollywood royalty. She and her sisters, Emmy-winner Sarah Paulson (AMERICAN CRIME STORY, OCEAN'S 8) and Liz Paulson (SVP of Casting for FOX) have worked together for decades to learn every aspect of acting and casting and how to put yourself in the best position to stand out and book the job. Rachel Paulson is an actress, producer and online influencer with over a decade of experience in the industry. Over her career, Rachel has worked on both sides of acting - both as a casting director as well as talent. In addition, she has studied social media and how you can use it to put yourself in the best position. She is currently the star of the series DATING ZOE, the host of the video series Drink Responsibly with Rachel Paulson, and the co-host of the podcast Gay vs. Straight Bitches with One Tree Hill alum, Lindsey McKeon. She also stars as the lead "Kate" in the upcoming LGBTQ drama film GOOD KISSER on Hulu.
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