Learn how to produce, pitch, and license your music for film and television from an Emmy-Winning hit music producer who has had over 5,000 music placements in media worldwide!
Plus! Receive an exclusive handout to help you develop and license your own music!
Have you ever watched your favorite movie or TV show with the sound off? If you have, you’ve probably realized pretty quickly how important music is to any production. Music sets the tone for every scene and plays a major role in the way we feel about a certain film or series.
Good music can make us feel something in a unique way and is instrumental in the power of storytelling. However, how does a song actually get in a movie or on a television show? How can you write a song for a film or show? What do music publishing and licensing deals look like today and how can you get one?
In this exclusive Stage 32 webinar, you will learn how music gets into film and TV shows and discuss every facet of music publishing, licensing, metadata, songwriting, music producing, and making connections in the music and film industry. This webinar is not just focused on the work of one production, music supervisor, sync agent, music library, or A&R but on the thousands of opportunities out there and how you as a songwriter and producer can connect music and the productions that need music.
Demystifying the world of music in film and TV is Michèle Vice-Maslin, an Emmy-Winning hit music producer, songwriter, publisher, and educator. Michèle has written/produced thousands of pieces of music & has over 5000 music placements in media worldwide. As an industry veteran, Michèle has been involved in pretty much every scenario possible in regards to music producing and licensing (across all genres of music!) and will provide you with the tools you need to fast track your way through the “school of hard knocks” that she worked her way through!
If you are looking to produce and license your music to film and television shows or simply want to garner a better understanding of the craft and business of music across the entertainment industry, this webinar is a must!
PLUS! Michèle will provide you with an exclusive handout to help you develop and license your music!
This webinar is an invaluable course not just to music and media creators but for anyone in film and television as well. It's the perfect introduction to understanding the craft and business of making music for film and television series.
What You'll Learn
- The importance of understanding basic music publishing and terminology and why you “can’t leave home without it”
- How do we make money writing and licensing songs?
- Registering our songs with the proper royalty collection platforms
- Producing Your Music
- Spend money to make money
- Recording costs, studio costs
- Marketing costs
- Attending events, joining organizations, subscribing to publications
- Pitching Your Music
- Pitching best practices
- Best times in production to submit songs
- What styles of songs work the best for uses in media?
- How good do our recordings need to be?
- How many songs does one need in their “catalog” to optimally pitch?
- How many songs should one send out and pitch at a time?
- Do you need a bio/credit sheet?
- Do you need a website?
- Networking and connections
- Writing a great pitch letter and proper business letter
- Personalizing
- Catering your approach to the individual person
- The importance of social media
- Why "pleasantries" are our friends
- Using links, not attachments
- What platform(s) should we use to send out our music?
- Why some pitches fail
- Understanding the powers that be and whom you are pitching to
- Music libraries, Sync Agents, Pitching directly, Diversifying
- Licensing Your Music
- Licensing and fees
- Royalties and where they come from for songs in media
- What is a cue sheet?
- What is METADATA and why and where do we need it…and how does it help us make money?
- The basics of metadata for song licensing and pitching
- Treating your music as business in the “Music Business”
- Organizations to join
- Trade papers to read
- Q&A with Michèle
Who Should Attend
All levels of songwriters (advanced, intermediate and beginner) looking to learn the craft and business of writing music for film and television.
All levels of songwriters (advanced, intermediate and beginner) looking to add a marketable song to their portfolio.
All levels of songwriters (advanced, intermediate and beginner) looking to learn how to create a lasting career as a songwriter for film and television.
All levels of filmmakers and producers (advanced, intermediate and beginner) looking to learn the craft and business of writing music for film and television that they can incorporate into their own film and television productions.

Emmy Winning Hit Music Producer Songwriter Publisher Speaker Educator Michèle Vice-Maslin publishes, composes (both music & lyrics), produces/arranges for artists/ films/ TV / ads /promos / games, etc. with numerous major label hit songs & cuts worldwide as well as over 5000 film/tv/media music placements for her companies Mob Force Productions and Sweetersongs. Her music airs on TV/radio everyday /365 days a year. Her full credits, update in progress, can be found at http://www.sweetersongs.com/MicheleViceMaslinDiscography.pdf
PMA (Production Music Association) Composer Advisory Board Member
Recording Academy Advocacy Committee Member
Television Academy Former Music Peer Group Executive Board Member
CCC (California Copyright Conference) Former Membership Committee Member
WSA(Writing Sessions America) Advisory Board Member
NSAI Former California Chapter President
NMPA Gold & Platinum Club Member
One of the only 2 % of professional music producers who are female
Discography MicheleViceMaslinDiscography.pdf
Website http://www.sweetersongs.com
IMDB page (update in progress) https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0895872/
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/michele-vice-maslin-74947014/
Facebook open group FROM SONG TO SYNC https://www.facebook.com/groups/380859336229087
YouTube channel of educational videos and interviews https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClRrRol9J2miuZVWfx9ux7g
Mailing list sign up https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/FfNO6YI/sweetersongs
FROM SONG TO SYNC + More courses http://www.sweetersongs.com/mimavideocourse001.html