Netflix + Stage 32 Present: How to Write Sci-Fi Scripts for Streaming Television
Netflix + Stage 32 Present: How to Write Sci-Fi Scripts for Streaming Television
Taught by Mickey Fisher
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Netflix and Stage 32 have partnered on an exclusive global education series in an effort to democratize the worldwide entertainment industry. Together, over the course of 5 webcasts Stage 32's world class educators will bring their knowledge of what it takes to write, develop and produce today's television for the Stage 32 and Netflix creator community. These global webcasts have been seen by hundreds of thousands of creatives worldwide with a 100% satisfaction rate!

In our fourth webinar in this exclusive "Creating Television Content for a Global Marketplace" series, we are going to give you the ins and outs on how you can effectively write science fiction scripts for streaming television.

Do you have a great sci-fi idea that deserves to be seen?

Television is exploding right now with sci-fi shows that infiltrate our minds like Dark, Squid Game, Yellow Jackets and Stranger Things. Writers with fantastical minds are drawing us into some of the most creative worlds we have ever seen right now, as well as producing some of the most memorable characters. Great shows like Game of Thrones, Extant and Reverie paved the way for the hits we see today and streaming platforms are looking for the next great sci-fi scripts to bring to the world. 

In order to tap into this incredible sci-fi landscape you have to be armed with the tools to write a solid pilot and be able to sustain your idea for multiple seasons. It takes a refined approach to understand the nuances of science fiction writing. Stage 32 and Netflix are going to give you the tools to make sure your script is in top shape. 

To guide you on your way is producer and writer Mickey Fisher. Mickey broke out onto the scene when his contest-winning TV script Extant caught the attention of Steven Spielberg and later became the science fiction series on CBS starring Halle Berry. Mickey has since firmly implanted himself in the world of science fiction television, creating the NBC series Reverie and National Geographic’s Mars. He has also served as a consulting producer on Amazon’s Jack Ryan and a writer and co-executive producer on Guillermo Del Toro’s acclaimed FX horror series The Strain

In an exciting FREE webcast Mickey will go into more detail on choosing a sci-fi series concept, core elements of your sci-fi series, planning character journeys, your pilot, season one and beyond, thinking international and believing in your project for the marketplace.  

To see the full webinar overview, see below. Some of the case studies Mickey is going to go over in the webinar are:

  • Extant
  • Reverie
  • Stranger Things
  • Dark
  • Game of Thrones
  • Squid Game
  • Money Heist
  • Yellow Jackets
  • The Mandalorian
  • Peacemaker


Note: You will receive the Zoom link to login by the morning of the webinar.


If you are not yet a member of the Stage 32 community, we encourage you to join the community today at, it is FREE! You will instantly connect with over 800,000 creatives and professionals in the entertainment industry from all over the world who use Stage 32 to network, find work, learn and develop their projects. YOU MUST HAVE A STAGE 32 PROFILE TO WATCH YOUR VIDEO.


What You'll Learn


1) Choosing a Sci-Fi Series Concept

  • Story Darwinism - 5 questions to ask about your series idea
  • Starting with a concept / hook
  • Starting With character
  • Serialized vs episodic
  • Finding your voice
  • Fuel and friction - maximizing your chances for a success (scope, budget)

2) Core Elements of Your Sci-Fi Series

  • Worldbuilding
  • Characters (great characters are subconsciously at war with themselves) C) Setting up A,B & C stories
  • Importance of relationships
  • Story engine - powering your series through multiple seasons
  • Tone
  • Theme / premise
  • Series logline — your north star

3) “On the Axis” - Planning Character Journeys (pilot, season, series)

  • External goals and internal obstacles
  • Setting the stakes - the basic questions of drama

4) The Pilot

  • The pilot is a contract with the audience
  • Hooking the audience early
  • Landing your premise by the end

5) Season One and Beyond

  • The curse of the “10 hour movie”
  • Episodic structure, or “the episode where”
  • Tentpole moments of your season and series
  • Plot twists
  • Common pitfalls (such as unearned character turns, tonal shifts)

6) Thinking Globally - common elements of worldwide success stories

7) Owning Every Word

8) Q&A with Mickey

Want to see the other webcasts in this exclusive Stage 32 + Netflix Creating Television Content for a Global Marketplace series?

Click here: TV Pitch Documents with Chris Mack

Click here: TV Pitch Documents with Chris Mack - Closed Caption

Click here: TV Story Structure with Anna Henry

Click here: Writing Scripts to Budget with Jeanette B. Milio

Click here: Writing Hit Sci-Fi Scripts for Streaming Television with Mickey Fisher

Click here: Writing Hit Comedy Scripts for Streaming Television with Vijal Pital

Click here: Writing Hit Drama for Streaming Television with Leila Cohan



Mickey Fisher
Mickey Fisher
at TV Creator and Showrunner (CBS's EXTANT, NBC's REVERIE, National Geographic's MARS)

Mickey Fisher was an unknown writer from Ironton, Ohio when his contest-winning TV script EXTANT caught the attention of Steven Spielberg and later became the science fiction series on CBS starring Halle Berry. Mickey has since firmly implanted himself in the world of science fiction television, creating the NBC series REVERIE and National Geographic’s MARS. He has also served as a consulting producer on Amazon’s JACK RYAN and a writer and co-executive producer on Guillermo Del Toro’s acclaimed FX horror series THE STRAIN.



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