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2 part class taught by Jessica Sitomer, career coach for the Cinematographers Guild
Everyone says, “It’s all about who you know”. But when you're an introvert, this is A LOT easier said than done. If meeting new people isn't your forte, and if the idea of approaching someone you don't know gives you anxiety, you can feel at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to finding opportunities. The problem is, though, the less you network, the more challenging it can become, which leads to you networking less, and the vicious cycle takes over. Even in today's world where networking has turned virtual, this can still be incredibly daunting for anyone who isn't extroverted.
In reality, no one likes networking, but it is a necessity in this industry. If you are going to get ahead you need to connect with people. The best resume and cover letter in the world can't compete with good old-fashioned human connection, and you will be hard-pressed to find anyone successful in the film and television industry who didn't find a break by meeting and getting to know the right people. But how do you start a conversation? And how do you know you're saying the right thing? It can seem scary, but it's absolutely achievable, and even for the most introverted among us, there are strategies and exercises to help take away the fear and allow you to network. Let us help.
Industry veteran Jessica Sitomer has over 20 years in the industry as a development executive, producer, writer and career coach for the Cinematographers Guild. Through the years she has perfected the art of relationship building - helping creatives grow their networks from one to two people to hundreds to thousands. When she moved to Los Angeles, she knew two people and one of them moved the day after she got to LA. She made it her mission to learn how to survive and thrive in the creative industry. And survive and thrive she has. Not only is Jessica's network huge, but she has also written three best-selling books on the subject of networking and relationship building, And… Action! Powerful, Proven, and Proactive Strategies to Achieve Success in the Entertainment Industry, The Greenlight Coach and You Got This: For Those Who Work Hard and Play Hard - How to go From Burnout to Bliss.
In this exclusive two-part on-demand class, Jessica will teach you ideal strategies for various networking situations, both physical and virtual, as well as how to develop a clear follow up plan so your networking pays off. Jessica has geared her presentation specifically to introverts and those of us who face anxiety and fear when meeting new people. In the first class, Jessica will discuss the obstacles of networking and how to overcome them. She will cover the do's and don'ts for introverts, how to network when you “don't like people,” how to network when you don't have the time and more. In the second session, Jessica will run through actual conversation and icebreaking scripts to help you craft conversations that will make you look great. She will also cover how to turn those conversations into relationships that you can maintain and how to follow up in your networking to make sure it pays off. Lastly, she will teach you how to maximize a networking opportunity when you're an introvert, and how to read non-verbal clues in social interactions.
Praise for Jessica's Stage 32 Class
"I thought that Jessica was wonderfully engaging and answered all the questions fully with great insight. I also feel more confident because of how confident she is. I will be recommending her to all my friends!" – J. Gaffney
"Great to know HOW to network. Loved the personal stories and hadn't thought of that. Gave me the courage to contact a producer that I'd worked with before and in the conversation he told me he had some story ideas that were right up my alley. We'll see if it works out. Thanks much!" – D. Meyer
"Great personality! Made us feel like you were really there to help! Thanks so much!" – D. Levy
"I really appreciated all of the advice and the passion in the delivery. I hope to take it to heart and use it to help me succeed."– T. Scharf
Purchasing gives you access to the previously-recorded live class.
Although Jessica is no longer reviewing the assignments, we still encourage all listeners to participate!
What You'll Learn
Part 1 - Obstacles and Networking
Jessica discusses the obstacles of networking and how to overcome them. She covers the do's and don'ts for introverts, how to network when you “don't like people”, how to network when you don't have the time and more, such as what to do if you don't like going to events alone.
Q&A from Jessica
Part 2 - Breaking the Ice
Jessica runs through actual conversation and icebreaking scripts to help you craft conversations that will make you look great. She also covers how to turn those conversations into relationships that you can maintain and how to follow up in your networking to make sure it pays off. Lastly, she teaches you how to maximize a networking opportunity when you're an introvert, and non-verbal clues in social interaction.
Q&A from Jessica
Who Should Attend
All levels of screenwriters (advanced, intermediate and beginner) looking to improve their careers by networking with fellow entertainment industry professionals.
All levels of filmmakers (advanced, intermediate and beginner) looking to improve their careers by networking with fellow entertainment industry professionals.
All levels of actors (advanced, intermediate and beginner) looking to improve their careers by networking with fellow entertainment industry professionals.
All levels of producers (advanced, intermediate and beginner) looking to improve their careers by networking with fellow entertainment industry professionals.
All levels of investors (advanced, intermediate and beginner) looking to improve their careers by networking with fellow entertainment industry professionals.

Jessica Sitomer has worked in the entertainment industry for twenty years as a writer, an independent producer, a development associate, a director, and an actress. She's produced three television shows, had her writing produced by an Emmy award winning producer, and while working in development she had the pleasure of being a part of Crazy in Alabama, Antonio Banderas' directorial debut (and yes he's as charming in real life as he is on screen).
Simultaneously, for seventeen of those years Jessica's been a career coach for Entertainment Industry Professionals. Within that period, she served for seven years as the in-house career coach for the International Cinematographers Guild. There she coached over 1000 people one-on-one, created over 40 seminar topics, ran over 30 mastermind groups, and developed a successful mentor program.
Jessica consults all classifications in the industry, above and below the line with her proven system she developed and the results speak for themselves; the credits of almost every network TV show or studio movie produced have someone with whom she has worked.
As an international speaker Jessica gives keynotes, college talks, and trainings to entertainment industry organizations. Some of her speaking clients include: AFI, USC Film School, Locals 700, 600, 669, 781, The DGC, AFTRA, Film Training Manitoba, The Actors Network, The Art of Acting Studio, and the SOC (Jessica also hosted their 2013 Lifetime Achievement Awards where she got to improv with Colin Farrell and honor many of the men and women she'd worked with).
Want to find Jessica? She's a regular on BuZZ radio, a teacher for Stage 32, and a contributor to Cynopisis.com Advantage, Actors Ink, and author of two books including And… Action! Powerful, Proven, and Proactive Strategies to Achieve Success in the Entertainment Industry.
Praise for Jessica's Stage 32 Class
"I thought that Jessica was wonderfully engaging and answered all the questions fully with great insight. I also feel more confident because of how confident she is. I will be recommending her to all my friends!" – J. Gaffney
"Great to know HOW to network. Loved the personal stories and hadn't thought of that. Gave me the courage to contact a producer that I'd worked with before and in the conversation he told me he had some story ideas that were right up my alley. We'll see if it works out. Thanks much!" – D. Meyer
"Great personality! Made us feel like you were really there to help! Thanks so much!" – D. Levy
"I really appreciated all of the advice and the passion in the delivery. I hope to take it to heart and use it to help me succeed."– T. Scharf
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