Stage 32 4-Part Class: Build Your Feature Film Pitch Toolkit: Synopsis, Pitch, Director's Look Book and Business Prospectus
Stage 32 4-Part Class: Build Your Feature Film Pitch Toolkit: Synopsis, Pitch, Director's Look Book and Business Prospectus
Taught by Emma Louise Smith
Producer, Financer, IEFTA International Advisory Board Member
On Demand
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This Class has a 100% Satisfaction Rating!

Learn from a top producer & film financier who works with high-net-worth individuals from Monaco and Switzerland!

Receive a pitch deck template to use when creating your own pitch deck!

PLEASE NOTE: This exclusive Stage 32 class is now available to watch on-demand; it is no longer live and the instructor is not available for personal questions, but we highly encourage you to do any assignments to get the most out of the educational experience.

When it comes to pitching your feature film to financiers, agents, production companies, distributors, streamers and the like, you are often asked to provide certain documents – a toolkit –and craft a meaningful pitch as a way to summarize and clarify the opportunity and the project’s financial prospects. There is nothing worse if someone is interested in your feature film project and says to you "do you have a (fill in the blank)?" and you don't.

To give your project the best chance for success you don't want to stumble by not having something ready when someone asks to see more information. That is why Stage 32 is here to show you how to put together your pitch toolkit while avoiding common mistakes which include crafting a confusing or unengaging synopsis, delivering a lackluster verbal pitch, creating an incohesive director's lookbook, or presenting a poorly thought-out business prospectus. These errors can prevent your project from gaining the traction it needs to move forward and get your greenlight.

To help you put together the perfect feature film pitch toolkit for your project is Emma Louise Smith, a seasoned Producer, Executive Producer and Financier with extensive experience in international finance and co-production who has worked on dozens of feature films. Emma is an International Advisory Board Member for the International Emerging Film Talent Association (IEFTA), where she mentors producers in finance and co-production. With a background as an ACCA chartered accountant and experience advising Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWI), Emma brings a wealth of knowledge and practical expertise to guide you through the intricacies of pitching your film project.

In this class, you'll dive into crafting your synopsis and logline, learning the key elements and reviewing successful examples. you will learn to master your verbal pitch, with tips for captivating your audience as well as common pitfalls to avoid. You'll also create a director's pitch lookbook, exploring mood, style, tone, and the director's vision. Finally, you'll develop a business prospectus, understanding its key components and learning how to highlight the financial potential of your film. Each week includes a Q&A session with Emma and practical homework assignments to help you refine your pitch materials. You will leave this class with a clear blueprint on all the pitch materials you need for your feature film so you are prepared for any scenario!


PLUS! You will receive:

  • A pitch deck template to use when creating your own pitch deck!


 Praise for Emma:

“Emma was very warm, professional. Genuinely wanting to further our projects. She gave us tons of information.” -Betty S

“First, I'd like to say Emma's class was fantastic. She's so generous with information and tailored the subject matter to our individual projects. It felt personal and extremely relevant!  That being said, Emma illustrated them with a lot of clarity.” -Carley B

"Really enjoyed the experience and appreciated the overview the course provided. Having the Zoom sessions was very helpful in being able to go back and watch the recording. It met my expectations and was helpful moving forward to the next step" -Katherine V

"One of the best things about the class was that Emma filled in a large hole in my knowledge of the financing side of the business:  contracts, and presentations with a specific focus on tailoring it to a particular audience." - Peter B

What You'll Learn

Session 1: Crafting Your Synopsis & Logline

  • Introduction to synopses and loglines:

    • Learn the key elements of an engaging synopsis and logline 

    • Review examples of successful synopses and loglines

  • Tips and Tricks:

    • Discover techniques for making your synopsis and logline stand out

    • Common pitfalls to avoid

  • Q & A With Emma

Homework Assignment: Draft and refine your synopsis and logline 


Session 2: Mastering Your Verbal Pitch

  • The key elements of a compelling verbal pitch:

    • Understanding the structure of a powerful verbal pitch

    • Understanding the different types of pitches and when to use them
    • Tips for captivating your audience from the start

    • Pitching Do's and Don'ts

    • The most common mistakes and how to avoid them during your pitch

  • Q & A with Emma

Homework Assignment: Refine your verbal pitch. Practice with friends or family to perfect your delivery.


Session 3: Creating Your Director’s Pitch Lookbook

  • Introduction to Lookbooks

    • Mood
    • Style 
    • Tone
    • Director's vision
  • What makes a lookbook effective?

  • What should be included?

  • Common mistakes and how to avoid them

  • Examples of stunning lookbooks that secured funding

  • Design tips for creating a visually cohesive and compelling lookbook

  • Q & A with Emma

Homework Assignment: Outline the elements of your lookbook


Session 4: Developing Your Business Prospectus

  • Understanding the Business Prospectus

    • Key components to include in your business prospectus

      • Comps
      • Box office
      • Potential financial upside
      • Potential home for your film
      • Tax incentives
    • What is the goal of your prospectus?

    • What are investors looking for?

    • When do you involve an attorney?

    • How to highlight the financial potential of your film?

    • Review templates and examples of effective business prospectuses

    • How to pitch the financial viability of your project in financial terms

    • Q&A with Emma




  • This class is designed for all level filmmakers, screenwriters, and producers - beginner, intermediate and advanced -  who are looking to understand how to pitch their feature film

  • This class consists of four sessions roughly two hours in duration.

PLEASE NOTE: This exclusive Stage 32 class is now available to watch on-demand; it is no longer live and the instructor is not available for personal questions, but we highly encourage you to do any assignments to get the most out of the educational experience.

Who Should Attend

Filmmakers who are going to be trying to attach directing talent or cast to to a project. 

Producers who are looking to package and sell a feature film. 

Screenwriters looking to take matters into their own hands and produce their own feature film.  


Emma Louise Smith
Emma Louise Smith
Producer, Financer, IEFTA International Advisory Board Member at

Emma is a Producer, Executive Producer and Financier. She spent several years in advising UNHWI’s (Ultra Net High Worth Individuals), based between Monaco and Switzerland, advising on the structuring of investments and assets and managing projects and teams. As an ACCA chartered accountant, Emma is trained in international finance and audit legislation with Saffery Champness. 

Emma is an International Advisory Board Member for the  drafted and implemented the policies and procedures required to become a UN partner which began a transition focused within film/TV.

Discovering talent and unique stories to tell is a passion for Emma. 





“Emma was very warm, professional. Genuinely wanting to further our projects. She gave us tons of information.” -Betty S

“First, I'd like to say Emma's class was fantastic. She's so generous with information and tailored the subject matter to our individual projects. It felt personal and extremely relevant! If anything, That being said, Emma illustrated them with a lot of clarity.” -Carley B

"Really enjoyed the experience and appreciated the overview the course provided. Having the Zoom sessions was very helpful in being able to go back and watch the recording. It met my expectations and was helpful moving forward to the next step" -Katherine V

"One of the best things about the class was that Emma filled in a large hole in my knowledge of the financing side of the business:  contracts, and presentations with a specific focus on tailoring it to a particular audience." - Peter B

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