Anything Goes : Literary Agents by Kevin Maurice Butler

Kevin Maurice Butler

Literary Agents

Can anyone provide sound advice for getting a literary agent?

Antonio Ingram

Well you want to make sure that your scripts are as perfect as they can possibly be (Obvious) and you want to send them query letters either by mail or email. You may want to do a little research on the agency you have in mind because they may not accept unsolicited scripts or new clients. Be sure to contact the agencies on because they are under contract so in other words you will not be bamboozeled (Not sure if I spelled that right). I recommend the ones in the LA and NY areas. Well best luck to you and I hope I was a great help to you.

Kevin Maurice Butler

Thanks Lyse: This is great feedback. These loglines certainly aren't easy :-) Gotta keep at it.

Stephen Nagy

Don't get one that charges a yearly fee!

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