Cinematography : Can a novice shoot a web series with 2 iPhones and a Panasonic LUMIX GH5? I’m asking for a friend by Lovie


Can a novice shoot a web series with 2 iPhones and a Panasonic LUMIX GH5? I’m asking for a friend

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Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Yes. Stick with the iPhones and don't use the Panasonic. This will ensure you have the same settings on the video clips when editing.


Thanks for taking the time to get back to me. I’ll use the iPhones!

Karen "Kay" Ross

And, if I might add, experienced professionals are using their iPhones next to their webcams for coverage. So, if you're shooting anything that mimics a Zoom conversation, you can get a "Brady Bunch" look through Zoom and a single (CU/MCU) with the phone. Same take, multiple shots. Go for it, and let us know how it goes!

Royce Allen Dudley

iPhones have solid capabilities for video in the right hands, under some limited circumstances. Real, better, dedicated cameras of all price points and abilties exist for a reason, and you should test both the footage and the edit workflow to the intended final product to determine if any camera works for you and your project.


I’m working on the script for S1:Ep1 of my web series and encouraged by a YouTuber to do it all! He suggested using 3 cameras for coverage. I have a DSLR, and an iPhone. I can borrow the second iPhone. I’m a screenwriter who romanticizes about film making and willing to try. Thanks for help.

Andrew Sobkovich

Carolyn, it might be better for you, in this case, to only use one camera for your project. Allows you to concentrate on one shot at a time. There is a lot to think about and watch and it is a practiced skill to be able to keep track of wha tis going on on three separate screens at once. Getting one good shot out of a take is better than 3 compromised ones.

An iPhone? Royce’s comment works for me. A novice can shoot on whatever they want as it is the story-telling not the image quality you are interested in.


The experienced YouTuber suggested multi cameras for reverse angles and editing speed. It made total sense. but I forgot about my skill level, or lack thereof. Thank you.

Andrew Sobkovich

Make haste slowly. Good for you for reconsidering.

Shooting with multiple cameras and including reverse angles makes the setups and lighting tricky indeed. Further complicated by the wide lenses inherent in phones. Sounds great but lots of alligators in that swamp.

Oscar Ordonez

Lovie I wouldn't want to stop you from trying. You'll find that matching frame rates will be tricky in editing along with what others are mentioning about lighting. Iphones tend to account for ISO and shutter speed (Not an expert) but DSLR's can be adjusted for more unique storytelling in my opinion. If I were you I'd stick to one. If you feel that more equipment allows for different angles then go with the 2 iPhones (Watch Searching, a great movie shot on mobile device POV). If you're practicing camera adjustments then it's better you go with the single camera and practice setting up your actors before you start shooting (Blocking).


Hello everybody, thank you for your time and help. But I realize that I’m in waaaay over my head, I mean, What was I thinking with multi cameras, reverse shots AND editing?!!! Tbh, I haven’t mastered exposure yet. So without further ado, I will now bow out gracefully... Thank you.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Lovie! I'm grateful you decided to listen to your own wisdom and honor your instinct. That will serve you and your mental health well! I would like to encourage you to keep the seed of this alive, however. Sometimes we get overwhelmed about the reality of filming because we are simply not prepared yet - experience, resources, or just time commitment. But for me, the commitment is shown "in its own time". Shelve this project, by all means, but maybe take on another little something that puts you one step closer to saying "yes" to this. If you feel like this series needs a "masters" touch, totally wait. But if your audience needs to experience this story NOW, then consider how you can make it anyway. Nothing allows you to practice your craft like a project!

Andrew Sobkovich

Carolyn, passing on the decision to bite off shooting with 3 camera that do not match while also doing so much else is a good one. However, if you are comfortable with the camera you use, shooting with a single camera may help you to focus on directing your show and actors. One camera is far less daunting than three. While I’m obviously in favor of bringing n expert creative contributors and the ensuing collaboration, there is much to be said about doing it all yourself as a learning process. Yes it is a lot, but doable. This is a decision you can finalize once you are closer to starting production.

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