Introduce Yourself : Omg by Myka Gore

Myka Gore


So, I just pitched my pilot to 5 producers and so far 1 Yes and 1 No. Aware Wolf Films just told me to send my script and I am neevouse and excited at the sane time!!!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on the Yes and script request, Myka Gore!!!

Jennifer Mira Jimmy

Congratulations, Myka. I wish you great success all the way. However, I'm not sure I have heard of Aware Wolf Films. Do they have a website or email address?

GiGi Raines


Sydney S

Congrats :)

Niki H

Congrats on the script request Myka, that's great!

Sam Mannetti

Congrats Myka!!

Myka Gore

@JenniferJenny I was not able to locate their website but they do have an email as well as I was able to look up the producer who is a real person. Casey Tebo!

Myka Gore

Also I pitched through a secure sight called VPF (Virtual Pitch Fest)

Jennifer Mira Jimmy

@Myka, hope you don’t mind sharing their email address? I was able to look up Casey Tebo, and he’s quite famous. Amazing.

Alexandria Isola

That's awesome! I hope it all works out the best for you!

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