On Writing : Format for Theater by Jessica Rose

Format for Theater

I’d like to write a play for theater from my movie script. Can anyone recommend the correct format? Is it like film format? Someone told me everything was aligned on the left side and it has a completely different format. Your advice is very much appreciated. Thank you!

E Langley

Final Draft has templates for both. In FD, copy all the screenplay text, close and open the Stageplay template then paste the text.

Any element that's not properly formatted can be fixed with Reformat under Tools. Scroll down the now Stageplay and select the correct element. It doesn't take long. The Screenplay Elements will fall in line with Stageplay anyway.

Good luck.

Jessica Rose

Thank you! I was hesitant at first because when I used the TV format on FD, a producer told me it should not be double spaced, but that was how the FD template laid it out. Good to know the cut and paste process you shared. I will definitely try it! Thank you!

E Langley

NP. I've done that conversion.

For TV, I use the standard Screenplay template.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Ooo, it's been a hot minute since I've done anything for stage, but it tends to be less structured than film or television scripts.

But I would have to agree with E Langley - Final Draft has you covered, but also I would suggest reading some plays. That's the surest way to know you're following the format.

Here is another great example: https://www.writopialab.org/programs/specialty-programs/worldwide-plays-...

Jessica Rose

Oh wow! Such great replies E L and Kay! Thank you so much! Much easier for me now. Will grab a play and read! Good to know about the TV format also. I have a lot of rewrites to do. Take care and thank you!

John Michael German


That link from Karen would guide you to the delightful formatting for stage plays. I have done stage play's myself, and those are a fun delight that embodies a little gigglier playful wiggle room in the potential of what you can get away with so to say.

Have fun.

Thankful for your steps.

God Bless,

John German

Jessica Rose

Thank you, John! Your comment makes me even more look forward to the theater format and story!

John Michael German


And when musical aspects are seeded, even more playful atmospheres can become - if you so welcome those. Evidence: https://youtu.be/GjbcE4Vj-YE?t=132

Enjoy the play endeavor.

Thank you for your steps.

God Bless,

John German

Jessica Rose

Oh wow! Such simple things go over the top with music! The one I want to turn into theater has tons of old music in it, which is what I think will be great on the stage. Love it! Thank you for sharing! Not a coincidence for sure!

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