Screenwriting : Never Too Late by Crystal L Brooks

Crystal L Brooks

Never Too Late

Just in case you haven’t seen this article. I know age comes up a lot. You can be older and still break in.

I got my first TV writing job at 55. It was hard being the oldest person in the room - but I'm glad I never gave up.
I got my first TV writing job at 55. It was hard being the oldest person in the room - but I'm glad I never gave up.
Craig Williams spent years trying to break into TV writing and wondered if his age was a barrier. He eventually found his voice - and a new job.
Emily J

So true! We actually have a webinar on this very topic (from an Oscar-winning filmmaker no less!)

Marcel Nault Jr.

As cliché as it sounds, "Never Give Up" indeed! Stubborn determination will get you somewhere, maybe not where you've had hoped, but still.

David Abrookin

Great share and inspiring to see that hard work pays off, no matter the age!

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