Success Stories: SEP'21 Got a Little Brass Ring

Chris H Stevenson

Got a Little Brass Ring

The Girl They Sold to the Moon, a YA sf distopian novel took the first place grand prize in a novel writing contest sponsored by a publisher. I've never won a thing in my life related to writing, except landing in the semi-finalists for the Writers of the Future Contest. It was a fluke submission. My agent sat up and took notice, believing that we might have something here. I dove back into it and strengthened the plot and fleshed out the characters some more. Don't know if I can use this for any kind of leverage or not. But it sure made me feel good, and these are fleeting moments in this business.

Chris H Stevenson

I'll send you a free Word copy, if you like, Robin. It's on the major sub trail as we speak. Picture Burlesque in Space. Just let me know where to send it to you as an attachment.

Robert P. Davenport II

Gratz on winning the award. It is soooo good when your dedication to a project gets positive acknowledgement! Writing can be so solitary.

Chris H Stevenson

T;hank you, Robert. It was a thrill.

Robert P. Davenport II

I just read the first five pages online .... very good indeed!

Chris H Stevenson

Thanks for your time and interest!

Chris H Stevenson

No problem, Robin. I'll get on it right now. Thanks for your interest.

Clive McDonald

Congrats on that chris.

Chris H Stevenson

Thanks, Clive. As I peruse Stage32, I'm delightfully stunned when seeing all the professional backgrounds here in the visual arts media. It's a great meet-up and collaborative resource.

Steve O'Brien

Hi Chris, I entered that contest awhile back. I "literally" threw a story at it and got some attention, enough to make me want to rewrite as you did. Your story sounds terrific. I am open to collaborate. -peace

Chris H Stevenson

Wonderful, Steven. Please stay in touch. What genre do you like to write?

Steve O'Brien

Hi Chris,im pretty diverse actually. Wrote a non-fictional piece about my life growing up Irish American in New York City during the 1970's and a collection of fictional shorts to date. having a blast. -peace

Renovatio Movies

Congratulations Chris! How wonderful. This business has so many disappointments, in order to stay sane, we MUST celebrate EVERY Win! Wish you much success.

Chris H Stevenson

Thank you much. Especially something out of the blue like this. Gave me the needed ego boost. I was at rock bottom there for a while.

Robert P. Davenport II

Chris I sent a note to your Rep but have not heard anything back yet. Being the impatient sort that I am I bought a copy of "The Wolfen Strain" and I am enjoying it. Ibook on my smartphone. You are a creative engaging writer. Everything I read by you is good. I look forward to working with your words. Kindly tell your rep to respond to my inquiry.

Chris H Stevenson

Thank you, David. I think you'll enjoy The Wolfen Strain for a unique concept on the werewolf trope that has some Micheal Crichton in it. You have me totally intrigued with your Sf animated series and I want to learn more about it. My agent is soooo slow at times, even with her clients. I'll get right on that and let her know. How's the Hegemony series coming along? I wish you pop me an outline or synopsis on that one. I have some contacts that might like to take a look at that one. Talk at you soon, Chris

Robert P. Davenport II

Animation is a lot of work lol! However to do the series live action would be cost prohibitive for the budget allocated for it. It's better for us to use the budget for top quality voice actors. Fortunately the animators are for the most part are already paid staff members in our company, we did freelance out some specific spaceship designs, and creature/ alien creation to skilled out of house modelers. Your comment triggered an interesting thought, even though this series was created for animation it would make a darn interesting book or three, are those the type of contacts you had in mind if not please elaborate so i'll understand. RPDII

Chris H Stevenson

Yes, I was thinking how viable a novel or shorter work treatment would be. You could possibly have a three-pack novella series. I might be interested in such an endeavor, provided I know what kind of a tone or atmosphere you're after. Serious SF, with some hard-tech, or a light and breezy space opera. I've written a couple shorts that are prequels to my main title SF book, and they've sold a lot better than we expected. They're almost like Star Trek episodes, with three acts. Of course, If anything pops on my agent end with the four books she has, I'll have to jump. But right now I'm not doing anything but promoting and marketing. BTW, agent just got back to me and she is sending, resending material to you. So look for that.

Chris H Stevenson

I've got a Book Tour going on at Evers Book Tours, for The War Gate, if anybody is interested.. It's my first, and I'm trying to keep up with everything right now. If you need a great A-list graphic designer, contact Farah Evers. Her website:

Chris H Stevenson

I've got a high-concept "female" Iron Man, called Fusion. It's in novel form. I've been told by several agents (including my own) and publishers that it would lend itself well to a graphic novel or film script. It's cleverly disguised--not derivative or containing any of the fantastical elements of the original film. It has a 29 year female paraplegic who gets conned into testing a military combat exoskeleton, secreting it out of the country, then using it to defend herself against an evil triad of war mongers. Lots of visuals and exotic locations. Sub-genre--military espionage. Email me if you'd like to read it: Chris--red-shifting for now. Peace out.

Chris H Stevenson

I'm working it all right. Random House Digital just requested a full on Fusion. Loved the concept. We'll see.

Chris H Stevenson

I'm just hanging in there right now with 42 submissions out to the small and semi-pro press, while my agent is taking on the big dawgs. Something has JUST got to bust open soon. I have four completed novels making the rounds, but I'm still concentrating on The Girl They Sold to the Moon. Next one up for major sub is Screamcatcher, using a dreamcatcher to create an alternate universe--very Disney-esque, with some nice visuals.

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