"SHIRi" is a romantic comedy short written by and starring Grace Yee, Directed by Micah Coate and Produced by Diane Foster and WallyBird Productions. It is one of the Semi-Finalists for the Stage 32 Short Film Contest!
Trailer for CRISTINA ZENATO and the REEF SHARK CONNECTION, a 7 minute documentary about the relationship between Cristina Zenato and Reef Sharks in which for over 25 years she has stroked these sharks...
*Unlisted Link* A comedy short film. In pursuit of his dream of becoming a famous chef, a naive French immigrant unknowingly takes a job for New York's most powerful gangster. Written & Directed by E...
"SHIRi" is a romantic comedy short written by and starring Grace Yee, Directed by Micah Coate and Produced by Diane Foster and WallyBird Productions. It is one of the Semi-Finalists for the Stage 32 Short Film Contest!