Hey guys! My name is Randy Mills and I am a freelance DP, DIT and Editor and am currently working on a couple of screenplays. I've spent the last 5 years in the Reality TV realm traveling the world on adventure shows and I'd love to get back into shooting shorts and features. I also have 3D/Motion Graphics experience and am currently enrolled in the Animation Mentor program. Let's shoot some screen tests together!
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Great to have you and your talents here on 32. Hope to see you over in the CINEMATOGRAPHY section of the site. Feel free to join the convo or share any pertinent content (articles, etc) with your peers.
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Thanks RB for all your awesome work!
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Appreciate it, Randy. Thank you!
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Traveling on adventure shows....that sounds like a dream career! I'd love to hear more about your experiences!
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Thanks Shannon! It's been a great run! I have lived on Maui the last 14 years and spent the last 3 years traveling all over the world doing shows like "72 Hours," "Ultimate Survival Alaska," "Amazing Race," etc. I just got back from 7 weeks in Puerto Rico. I would like to settle down a bit to concentrate on some of my own projects and help some people with theirs. I think it's a great time in my career to get back into producing shorts and possibly a feature of my own.
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Randy, wow! We are glad that we pinned you down to join the community! You certainly have traveled all over. You will certainly find support and encouragement here as you embark on concentrating on your own projects moving forward. I definitely think you should write a blog for us about some of your experiences. Can you send Shannon a direct message?
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Hey Julie, I'd be happy to share some of my experiences in a blog. Just let me know how I can help. Thanks.