Introduce Yourself : Michael Fusco by Michael Fusco

Michael Fusco

Michael Fusco

I currently live in Wallingford, Connecticut and I am a graduate of Southern Connecticut State University. I graduated in 1976 with a Bachelors degree in secondary education, majoring in history and social sciences, with a minor in English. I received my Masters degree in history and social studies, also from Southern Connecticut State University, in 1982. “Teaching for What?” is my first published book, but I am currently working on a second one dealing with Freemasonry in Connecticut. I retired from teaching in 2011 after a thirty-five year career in Connecticut public, vocational and private schools. I spent eight years as the chairman of the History Department at a local public high school and served four years as President of it's teachers union. I was named Teacher of the Year in 1980 and was nominated for that award numerous times afterwards. I have also also taught online college courses for the University of Phoenix. In recent years, I supervised student teachers and interns for the University of New Haven.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

35 years in teaching - just think how many lives you have changed and how many minds you have sculpted. Michael, I salute you. Great intro!

Amanda Toney

Welcome to the community, Michael! My mom is a teacher and I know what a stressful yet rewarding job that is! Congrats on your book, and best of luck on the next one. Here is a great article for you to read for how to use this site to help you in your career as well as in your craft:

Michael Fusco

Thanks Tomasz and Shannon!

Richard "RB" Botto

We love those who teach around here, Michael. Education is a huge part of what we're doing here on 32. Great to have you in the community.

Michael Fusco

Thanks so much, Richard!

Richard "RB" Botto

My pleasure, Michael.

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