Your Stage : We shoot a shape shifting alien while on the set of the daddy-o by Rick James

Rick James

We shoot a shape shifting alien while on the set of the daddy-o

I was DP'ing on the short, The Daddy-O, in Aurora Colorado, suddenly the crew and I witnessed something that we can't explain and still find it hard to believe. A shape shifting alien walked right into the frame as the camera was rolling.

David E. Gates

I think it's four and a half minutes I won't get back. Just a plastic/paper bag drifting across the street.

Rick James

We all say it and no one thought it was a plastic bag. Also the amount of wind required to push a bag that large would have been picked up on the mike, also nothing else is effected by a breeze. There was no wind.

David E. Gates

Maybe there was no wind where you were, because you are sheltered by the houses to your left/right. The bag moves across an intersection by the looks of it, so very feasible it was blown down by a prevailing wind. It can rain mere meters from where you're standing. Doesn't mean that aliens are keeping you dry. :-)

Cyn Martino

Scared to watch....

Rick James

Well Dav, I wasn't aware of your knowledge of atmospheric conditions, wind dynamics and air pressure. Before I got into film production, I studied architecture, specifically single home design. One of the things you learn about home design is how air moves around it. Why? If you don't design it right, then just like a gust of wind can collapse an umbrella, it can do it to a wall or a roof. So understanding wind dynamics was an essential part of my understanding. Oh and I used to build scale model engine powered flying aircraft. Darn, there's that pesky knowledge of wind and dynamic forces again. So based on my humble experience, when the wind blows over there it also blows over here, split level homes separated by wide easements can not block strong gusts of wind. The air simply goes around it and over it. And since I'm also a sound recordist, mixer and editor, I might know a little something about wind and sound. But you're so busy assuming you know what I don't, you didn't even notice that a wind strong enough to move a large plastic bag, would also move the grass growing at the corner. Funny thing, the trees and the grass isn't moving, just the so called bag. So how does your experience and video training account for this anomaly?

John O'Hara

There is definitely intelligence involved, but it is not alien. The bag shows a connection at the top providing force for motion.

Kevin Doy Burton

Hey Ric. I too have seen something strange and I found out that I had to keep it to myself. There's people out there who refuse to give in to the possibility of extraterrestrial life here on earth.No use trying to explain it or even show a video of it. Just except the fact that you was one of the lucky one's who saw one. I believe they're here and that's all that matters.That's why I became a science fiction writer.

Rafael Pinero

It does change its shape as it moves, looks like a plastic bag but it is creepy how it moves and stops and then it is said it keeps moving

Rick James

I might have mentioned this already, there are things that happened that made us believe it was not a plastic bag. There was no wind strong enough to blow a large plastic bag and inflate it like that. Lakshmi please explain how a fruit bat could fly inside a bag and fully inflate it too? The director, the actors and I were watching this thing and at first we all said it looked like a big dog. I mean the fact that we all saw the same image was pretty astounding, it wasn't until it changed shape that we realized it wasn't a dog. When we looked at the footage, that's when it was clear what it wasn't. Now this will blow your mind, Carl the driver in the film said when he got to the corner, he didn't see anything. We showed him the footage and he didn't say anything. Pretty good trick for a plastic bag. Thank you Raf for noticing its movement, that's what creeped us out too, this thing had a gate that was not normal. It didn't tumble like a bag blown in the wind would, it appeared to be walking and when it stopped and froze, it was apparent it had some kind of intelligence. Yes John, but how do you account for the force only applied to the object and not anything else? Colorado is a hot spot for paranormal activity and UFO phenomenon. Here's an example: and Personally I get that some people are walking around asleep, they only understand what they are told to understand. I'm still working on my science doc about human origins and the possibility that our genes were tampered with and altered when the subject of Reptilians came up. All I hear from asleep people is how demonic these people are, they are devils. Well do you know that our earliest ancestors were reptilian? Impossible you say? How can that be you say? You're a crack pot you say? I'll prove it, do you know we have three brains and the most primitive of brains is the reptilian brain? It's the first one to develop along with the nervous system. Don't think so, here's a link or ask your doctor: Ladies and gentlemen, we are the reptilians. Thanks Kevin, I'm not perturbed about this subject, I'm a sci-fi writer, filmmaker, documentarian also mostly because of my experiences and I just love it. We all know what we saw and we all know what it wasn't, what it was will always be a mystery. "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet

Kevin Doy Burton

I think John should go on Youtube and look up nightcrawlers stick figures and just see what he thinks about them. Ric, the thing you saw on your film reminded me of them and they are different sizes also. Like I said before.No matter what you see.If it's alien origin the government will place someone on the site you are on to debunk it. There is no way the government is going to tell us that we have no defense against them. I mean look,if they have the technology to travel in space from planet to planet then they have won already. The question I have to ask is this. Did some of the people in politics join the winning side so they can keep their riches? Look up President Eisenhower and read about the Majestic Twelve they had formed in his time.We need to wake up because hundreds of thousands of people are disappearing every year from around the world. Why? The answer is right in front of us but we are too afraid to say it out loud because the government will make you disappear also,or place you inside of where I work at, which is inside of a mental hospital. I can go on and on and on but what's the use.All I can do is turn my thoughts about the matter into stories.Go to and check me out.

David E. Gates

The whole world is plastered with CCTV and people with cameras on their phones, not to mention those with professional cameras. Literally MILLIONS of cameras. Yet no-one can produce a single irrefutable image of something alien or from the "other" side. No-one thought to chase this "thing" yet they all allow their imagination to suggest it's something alien. It is not. Absolutely not. :-)

Rick James

And you know, how?

David E. Gates

Because if there were things such as aliens that have visited this planet or ghosts, then there'd be much more evidence to support it. There simply is nothing that stands up consistently.

Rick James

Dav, you're a filmmaker, do you usually run into frame to chase something while the camera is rolling, before the director yells cut? And until you wake up, you will never see anything. It's happening all over the planet, all you have to do is research it. Look above, I just added two links to activity happening right here in Denver, but you don't see it because you don't see the links above? I rest my case. Sleepers like you need to wake up, do you read your bible? It tells you to wake up; Revelation 3:3 Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you. Keep sleeping Dav.

John O'Hara

Photography by definition is an illusion. Filmmaking by definition is an illusion. Magicians by definition are masters of illusion relying on perception especially when a camera is used. REALITY shows are not real they are scripted. Game shows are often rigged for drama. Traffic cams and news cameras do NOT record reality. I don't doubt that there is paranormal activity (I once did a paranormal show). There was real paranormal phenomena at the location but NONE OF IT WAS RECORDED BY A CAMERA. Visual or infrared.

David E. Gates

How do you know it was real? Maybe you were just tricked or brainwashed like the millions of others who believe in the paranormal, aliens and God. I think I'd be more likely to believe something I saw on CCTV or a traffic cam/news camera than anything shown to me as entertainment. Those dinosaurs in Jurassic Park sure looked real. But some people, especially some of those that read a book of old stories about a carpenter's son and who interpret the stories to suit their own beliefs and end-games, don't believe they existed either. Anyway, off topic considerably now so probably best to end this thread methinks before it gets even more personal than Ric is already making it. I've meant no offence in anything I've said here. Just a different opinion to that suggested as to what is in the film - if you're only looking for responses that agree with what you've said, then maybe you should only post in a forum where people are likely to agree with you. Good luck with your projects. David E. Gates. P.S. It's David, not "Dav". :-)

Charity Mulder

SOMEBODY got out of bed on the wrong side this morning, and yesterday, and the day before...

Michael "Cap" Caputo

David, you confuse Christians with Creationists. There is a marked difference. I am an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and day by day science 'advances' with new 'discoveries' which only serve again and again to prove my faith is correctly placed. NOTHING in the scientific record contradicts the doctrine of the church but the doctrine has been around a lot longer than these 'discoveries.' Methinks you have been misled by someone that did not possess complete correct information, yet passed it on as if they did. There is an unfortunate epidemic of this in the world, I suggest you take a step back and review your assumptions from a variety of sources before you decide to settle on someone else's position as your own. Widespread thinking of that type is what got us into the political and economic mess we are in now. Ric, I saw nothing supernatural in the film though it was curious at first view. Your drive was likely watching his rear view for a sign from the cameraman, director or a spotter and paid no attention to the bag crossing the street. If indeed you have the training you cite then you know that half way across a parking lot the air currents and so on are different from the margins of the lot. I often see the flags on the pole standing out in a direction different from their direction across the lot. The way you attack people in this set of responses will not get you far on a 'real' set a little emotional moderation will aide your career path. I applaud the posters here that did not jump down Ric and Dave's respective throats for their intolerance and phobias.

Rafael Pinero

Anyone here watches The Borgias series?

Rick James

Cap I really appreciate your opinion, as everyone else, but I was there and respectfully you wasn't. You're speculating based on your believes and not on the actual experience. I'm showing and telling my on site experience as I experienced it. Telling me that I saw what YOU think I saw is like me telling you God does not exist because I don't see him and yet you believe anyway. I'm not certain what you mean by Dave and my phobias, before I can debate that statement, I'll need clarification. Your interpretation of our conversation was at best misunderstood, it was strong and a bit raw, but it was an exchange of ideas and opinions that I welcome and enjoyed. As far as your observations about wind and flag poles go, you failed to understand your observations were in a completely different location, at a different time, season, and height relative to the ground. Moving air behaves differently in an open field compared to a residential area. It also can move faster the higher it is above the ground than along the ground, because of ground resistance. And again you haven't explained how a guest of wind strong enough to move a large plastic bag across a street, doesn't move a single tree branch, leaf or blade of grass and is not pick up on the boom mike. Cap respectfully, you presume to know more than there is about the mysteries of life, so you try to jam the square peg into the round hole to fit your reality despite what anyone else might say. You want me to believe you know more about my experience than I do, well you don't, even Elders can be wrong. Try stepping back and consider that there maybe more than you know.

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