Introduce Yourself : Dropping by to say hello! by Michael Russell

Michael Russell

Dropping by to say hello!

Hello everyone! I'm an aspiring Christian screenwriter, working on my first feature. I'm new to the site, and thought I'd stop by and say hi. It's nice to see so many with a passion for the craft. I look forward to spending some time here getting to know people. Good luck to everyone, and God bless!

Erin Kelly

I love that you're sharing a little bit about your background :) i think it's great to know where different people in the film industry are coming from. I'm a christian too. So I might be a little more open to some of your script ideas. Feel free to share them!

Don Dobrez Jr

Hello Michael and welcome! I too am a screenwriter who certainly loves to write about themes of God and humanity.

Michael Russell

Erin: It's very nice to meet you! I'm glad that we have our faith in common, and that you're interested in similar work. I look forward to connecting on ideas and projects. Don: It's very nice to meet you as well! Thanks for the warm welcome. I love meeting people with similar interests, especially when it comes to screenwriting.

Anderson Percival

Welcome Micheal, I'm happy to see more believers who express their faith in the medium of filth

Michael Russell

Nice to meet you, Anderson! Always happy to connect with other believers. Thanks for the warm welcome.

Steve Hamm

Hello and welcome

Ross T Hammond

Great to see faith on display.

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