Introduce Yourself : Matt R. Lohr by Matt R. Lohr

Matt R. Lohr

Matt R. Lohr

Hello, folks...I am an award-winning screenwriter based in Burbank, CA. My scripts have been optioned by several independent production companies and been featured at script reading series on both coasts. I am also the co-author of DAN O'BANNON'S GUIDE TO SCREENPLAY STRUCTURE, the no. 1 best-selling screenwriting book I penned with the late screenwriter / filmmaker behind ALIEN, TOTAL RECALL and other genre classics. I speak regularly on film and writing at film festivals, colleges, genre conventions and book signings around the country, and I have expounded on cinema and writing on podcasts from around the world. Nice to e-meet you all!

Richard "RB" Botto

Terrific to have you here, Matt! Congrats on all your success.

Anthony Moore

The Matt Lohr! I would love to pick your brain for a while.

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