Introduce Yourself : Actress for Hire! :) by Kara Rainer

Kara Rainer

Actress for Hire! :)

Hi Stage 32! I am an actress who waited sooooo long before getting brave enough and have enough confidence to step into the spotlight!! And when I did...I have never stopped...loved every moment, every audition, every terrifying audition, every... "No, you're not what we're looking for", every "Yes we love you", every set...(except for one that one time...) ;) It IS my passion and I am so happy that I gave up that "you're not good enough to follow your dreams" "Courage, dear heart, no one will ever know you unless you get out there and BELIEVE"! So here I am: Loving my acting roles which I embrace with everything I have ... always ready for more...and ...Crossing fingers on some amazing opportunities coming up! I also enjoy writing screenplays, 5 of which I am working on, 1 completed. Directing is on my film bucket list! Dappling in VO and spokes roles a lot this year, along with producing and coordinating for production companies! Also, I can throw down a mean crafty table! LOL All the best to you and your dreams!!

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