Filmmaking / Directing : IMDb help by Sarah Hamilton

Sarah Hamilton

IMDb help

Hi! I recently worked on my first credited production as a PA and I need to have an imdb page set up but I'm not sure how to get credits and a professional page before the actual first production is even listed. How does this all work? Thanks! Sarah

Laurie Ashbourne

You need a pro account to add pages and it is a tedious process but you may be able to get it done within the 14 day trial window so you don't have to pay for the account. If the production company has a page it's just a matter of them uploading their credits for the project (which again is tedious so sometimes it takes them a while). If they don't have a page, the production has to some verifiable press related to it (i.e.: a trade announcement) in order for it to get approved. In the event they add your name in the future when the credits are uploaded you can do the trial period of the pro account to edit your profile.

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