Hello, my name is Henry Maynard, a passionate sound designer coming out of Huntington University. I have been making connections and networking as much for the past few months in LA and now beginning the job search for a vault/runner or a audio rental house. I have been very passionate and willing to work hard and learn as well. I have been grateful for a great internship out in Santa Monica that I am at right now.
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Welcome Henry. I'm happy to meet you. I hope you find success on your job hunt.
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Hello, Henry. Congratulations on taking the productive steps forward into your career. Everyone here at Stage 32 is here to help, all you have to do is ask.
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Welcome Henry! Be sure to check out the Post Production section of the Stage 32 Lounge. Feel free to make some posts, share some content or just join a conversation! Always great things happening there!
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