Your Stage : I need help by Rachel Odonnell

Rachel Odonnell

I need help

hello. would anyone like to help me write a script for my new film?

Craig D Griffiths

Yep. How long? How much do you have? When do you need it? Do you have a budget?

Rachel Odonnell

Im just focusing on the script for now, once i get it done and make my pitch ill be told my budget and all that

Craig D Griffiths

So what do you have? The reason I asked about budget is it will define what sort of script you want/need. Is it a genre script? Is the financiers only interested in sub million scripts?

Craig D Griffiths

Do we have a story or logline or particular actor?

Richard F. Russell

There are a lot of questions to be answered before someone can commit to a feature length script. If you have a synopsis or treatment or description of some kind, you can send it to people who might help. From there you can decide just how to proceed. Best

Michael Flowers

I can write you a script. Do you have any ideas or should I just come up with one?

Travis Sharp

I don't really have time to write much but if you send me an idea and general plot I could offer character ideas, scene ideas and a few good dialogue lines to help get you moving along.

Rachel Odonnell

its not a full-length film

Travis Sharp

Size matters not.

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