Are there any novel writers in this group who would love to connect with other novel writers? Reason I ask is because I am not trying to sell anything or find funding - I am simply looking for a group of writers to talk about the art of writing a novel. Not a pitch group, not funding ideas, but purely the physics of a great story, and how to motivate each other to the final page. If you write novels, are in the process of writing a novel - Hi I'm TJ from New Orleans - nice to meet you.
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Hey, TJ, good to meet you. I've written eleven novels so far and am in the process of developing them into screenplays. I mainly write in the romance genre for new and young adult age range. I also wrote a true-life story for a celebrity model last year. That was a challenge since I couldn't create the characters. Let me know if I can ever be of any help.
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WOW! The main question I have (being that you have blazed so many pages ) when are you starting your editing process? Reason I asked is because I have four unpublished manuscripts, and I just started editing the first one this month - with a trilogy to go. I love to write - love to rewrite - hate the editing part LOL. Are you cleaning as you go? Do you write it then turn it over to an editor? What if you get a great idea for another story while writing a manuscript - how do you handle that? Sorry to hit you with so much but this is the type of forum I wanted to create locally in New Orleans.
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TJ, I've published 35 books, and I find that once I switch from bulk writing to editing, it's really hard to re-emerge into the writing phase again. So suppose I write 5 chapters and have 5 more to write. If I start editing after the first 5, I often slack off on finishing the last 5 for a while. There always seems to be a pregnant pause once I switch from my writers hat to my editing hat and vice-versa.
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If you have a great idea for another story while writing a manuscript TJ, just open up a new file, title it, and then collect all those new ideas that pop up. I do so without any regard to format with these new "idea" files... so that they're just there to collect all the brainstorming ideas that emerge while writing something else.
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Sweet Jesus! You wrote 35 books! I need to make my way to you so that you can lay hands on me oh great one! LOL That is amazing focus to write 35 book! Brian you currently writing another one? Which title has been you biggest hit? I would like to support you - send me a link where I can buy your books.
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I appreciate the encouragement TJ. My website is and my most downloaded title is "Dessert First Diet" and I recently published its companion titled "Cubicle Cardio" Right now, my current manuscript that I spent over 12 hours on this past Tuesday is titled "Sorting through My Hoarder Mom's Stuff" which has 74 pages thus far. BTW, I also play percussion and recently released a power trio CD titled "Eastern Market Busk Revivial" and "Son is Shinin'" Thanks so much TJ... your enthusiasm made my evening!
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I write novels. Okay, I've only written one so far, but I'm about to start my second.
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The main thing Jodie is that you've gotten one done and (I hope) published. That provides the perspective and know-how that you can write and finish what you start. An old friend of mine used to say that he couldn't tell if he was an author or a writer just writing. Since he never finished what he started with his written word and put it out there for publication, I guess he was a writer just writing.
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Writing is a good way for me to use my imagination. I'm a science fiction /horror writer.
I like to play the theme song from the movie ( The X Files ) in the background. I've
written seventeen books. Seven are novels and one is a novel over 603 pages long
called ( Out There ).You can check them out on
I'm in the middle of writing my 18th novel called (Destination Earth). I would love
to connect with other writers.
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Hi TJ... would love to get aquainted with other writers and just chat about the process in general.
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Ditto, TJ! I'm a self-published author, ex-editor and ex-cover designer. I've been a published author since 1991 - started out publishing children's articles, women's magazine articles and short stories, etc. - moved on to corporate training manuals, organization development materials and website design/copy, and in 2009 I hit the romance publishing industry pretty hard...(heh heh...I said hard...I'm a romance novelist! What's ya expect?)...and I haven't looked back. Though I have been traditionally published, I prefer self-publishing. A LOT more control, but it's a LOT more work.
I'd be happy to collaborate with a group online and chat about novel writing and the industry as a whole. I'm very interested in learning to write screenplays/scripts. I know it's not just a matter of structure and formatting. Script writing needs to be tight and though every single word SHOULD count in novel writing, there is a matter of luxury in verbosity with novels. Script writing affords no such luxury! I know I have a lot to learn!
As for your editing questions, no author can truly edit their own script, especially at the beginning. If we knew the mistakes we were writing...we wouldn't make them, right? All authors need another pair of eyes, be it a critique partner (if you can't afford an editor), or a friend who is an editor (my best friend and I edit each other's work, so we got lucky). As an ex-editor, I can help!
Every author has their own style of editing, so what works for one, might not work for another. James Scott Bell wrote an EXCELLENT book on the topic, so I would recommend you start there:
The more you do it, the better you'll get at it and, more importantly, you'll start developing your own methods, procedures and style that works best for you. Editing is just trying to catch your mistakes, so there's no right or wrong way to do it.
I hope that helps...but I'd be happy to answer more questions. :D
And to illustrate how easy it is to miss mistakes....see attached picture. Have fun!
Hi TJ, if you are still looking for writers to join the group...I'm interested. I've published several books of short stories in the past, and have just published my first novel. I would love to join in the conversation.
Hi TJ, I'm a mutli-published author, editor, author's mentor, and publisher. I'd love to talk shop.
Hi TJ. I've written over thirty-five books, and I would love to join another novelist.