Introduce Yourself : From Courtroom Content to TV Content, I hope. by Susan Sexton

Susan Sexton

From Courtroom Content to TV Content, I hope.

 After 25 years as a circuit judge (and a bunch of great stories) I formed a partnership with a veteran industry professional. We have a number of currently under consideration is a docu-drama based upon some cases that I have adjudicated. So it's all exciting to me. I also am marketing myself as a legal expert. But here's my offer..if you  are working on a legal series/film etc and have a question...ask me, no charge. It's a way of getting myself known on this site. But do not, repeat, not ask me questions about your divorce or, god forbid, your drunk driving arrest! Cheers.

Bill Hartin

Okay...forget about my DUIs and my two divorces, but what about courtroom protocol? Does it differ drastically from state to state?

Allen Lynch

Welcome! Success in one field often leads to success in others.

Susan Sexton

Re: it doesn't differ that least when I've observed court in different states. PA is an interesting state...great scandals it seems...great material!

Susan Sexton

Thanks Allen.

Jorge J Prieto

Welcome Susan and thank you for your offer, very kind of you.

Susan Sexton

Thanks Jorge..we have a lot of Prietos in fact, quite a few of them are attorneys.

Pierre Langenegger

I want to post a public thank you to Susan for a very quick response to a research question I sent via pm a little earlier. Susan spent her own time researching my question to furnish the answer I was looking for. Thank you again, Susan, it is really very much appreciated.

Mike W. Rogers

Good to meet you Susan

William Evan Davies

Offering information like this is essential for writers - Thank you!!

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