Anything Goes : 12 Hours On, 12 Hours Off: No film is worth dying over by Carl Welden

Carl Welden

12 Hours On, 12 Hours Off: No film is worth dying over

In light of this news, if you haven't yet seen cinematographer Haskell Wexler's documentary "Who Needs Sleep" do yourself a favor and educate yourself on safe working particular, the grueling hours of many production schedules.

Hollywood's Grueling Hours & Drowsy-Driving Problem: Crew Members Speak Out Despite Threat To Careers
Hollywood's Grueling Hours & Drowsy-Driving Problem: Crew Members Speak Out Despite Threat To Careers
Hollywood crew members are speaking out about the dangers of grueling hours and drowsy driving and are asking the industry to do something about it.
Martina Cook

It’s a serious issue. Many other jobs have the same problem, especially nurses and surgeons in hospitals that work long hours, and many governments are now coming out with rules. It’s really time to sort things like this out. A movie is not worth the life of a person.

JD Hartman

Surgeons kill others while pulling 12 shifts. On a film shoot it's the crew that's getting hurt or dying due to an unrealistically long work day.

Martina Cook

Surgeons also drive home, and their shifts can be longer than 12 hours. I also said that a movie is not worth a life.

Ryan Cho (Cho)

I had an experience in June 2016 where I worked on an indie film on Saturdays and Sundays. Only slept 3-5 hours on each day, sometimes 2 (no pay). Definitely suffered and got sick from it. Lesson learned.

Martina Cook

Ryan, sorry to hear that. Productions that treat crew like that should not even be allowed to exist. Safety should be priority number one.

Ryan Cho (Cho)

Martina Cook 100% agreed! Health is #1 priority for overall happiness and well-being. I had great experience working on it though, definitely a lot of lessons from the project.

Carl Welden

I've gotten back late at night from shoots, parked my car, blinked, then found myself waking up still in my car with the sun coming up. Then I start wondering "what if I had "blinked" a few minutes sooner?

JD Hartman

Some Producers/UPM's never consider the remoteness of a location, they usually have a convenient hotel room booked nearby.

Carl Welden

Does it ever come up during an on-set safety meeting, event though it's mostly an off-set concern?

If not, it should

Ryan Cho (Cho)

I'm currently working on a feature film in Southern California where the film location is 90 miles from all of our cast and crew members. We don't get hotel accommodations, which will be challenging for us to commute to the film shoot.

Dan MaxXx

Ryan Cho (Cho) that is criminally wrong. I’ve done 2hr drives to locations but they were single day/night music videos in the deserts. Can’t imagine doing consecutive days/nights on a feature

Carl Welden

I'd like to make efforts to really remind folks across the industry that overtime pay is NOT some sweet bonus those of us on film crews charge to make more money. Overtime is a designed as a PENALTY fee for producers who go beyond the 10hr day. I'm just one guy...and I can hardly change the world, but if we, together, can change one producer's perspective, we can maybe, at the very least, save a life

Ryan Cho (Cho)

It is what it is Dan. I'm grateful that I'm working on a feature film job, but the commute can be tough. I'm getting over reimbursed for gas which is good though.

JD Hartman

Your nuts. A feature that can't provide lodging, even bunkhouse trailers on location, isn't worth working on. I'd be worried that the checks won't clear.

Carl Welden

You can't spent that overtime pay if you're dead...

JD Hartman

Those that promise to remember you the next time, when there's as a real budget, etc, ...rarely do.

Carl Welden

...ain't that the truth!

Carl Welden

Well, the saga continues... #iatse #union #longhours

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