Financing / Crowdfunding : Production company eager to produce my short film, but... by Alex Vachon

Alex Vachon

Production company eager to produce my short film, but...

Hi all,

First time posting here. And I hope that I can find some answers here.

I wrote a short science-fiction script that got the interest of an indie production company. They produce shorts, take them to festivals. They've also produced a couple of indie feature films.

They sent me a proposal this week. Producers would find financing and take care of putting the short together. I would direct it.

We would create a corporate entity that would be shared by the players as follows:

20% to myself (author), 20% producer #1, 10% producer #2, and 50% for the investors.

This new company would produce the short and seek development for a long form project, a feature or a television series.

My problem is with my 20%. I can't imagine not having at least 50% ownership of the long form.

If there's someone with experience in producing short films and developing them into a long form, please let me know what you think.


Erik A. Jacobson

You already have directing experience. Get out your credit cards. Produce it yourself. We're not talking brain surgery here. Rehearse scenes in your back yard with a borrowed camera. (And don't forget a Spike Lee baseball cap!)

Dan MaxXx

I would take that deal. You just direct and they shell out all $$$, production crew, post, all the way to festival time. Checkoff every box.

You keep 20% regardless if you are fired. (But Ask for 30% , show you're a team player and settle for 25%. )

As for long form, do you really want to do the same thing again? Might as well convince your partners to do a feature. Forget the short.

That's another business plan.

Sam Borowski

It's standard that the investor gets 50%. You also can't expect the other producers to take zero points. Also, in a short, you can actually make money these days, however, it takes a lot of work. And, I mean this in the MOST POSITIVE WAY: If those points are worth anything, you have done a GREAT job! Don't haggle over the points - it's a very fair deal. I agree with Dan MaxXx in that I would take that deal. Take it - and do your very best. Get it in a TON of Festivals! Get it online! Put it out on DVD through CreateSpace. Get the IMDb credit! And, do a GREAT job ... and go work again! ;) GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH! <3

Alex Vachon

Erik, Dan an Sam, thank you for taking your precious time to write back. I'm going to ask for 30% and see what they say. They're a good team. I look forward to working with them. I'm looking forward to following your work here. Have a great day ans I'll see you around.

Alex Vachon

I sent them a licensing proposal. Instead of selling my rights forever, I can "rent" them for a limited engagement. After 1st feature film or first TV series season, I will negotiate the next installments.

Alessandro Machi

This all seems so weird to me. You're not getting 20% of the budget, you're getting 20% of the profits, no? Investors may want to attach a more known director. The fact that you got offered a deal memo at all is what I would focus on first and foremost. Research the company and see whom else they have dealt with in the past if they were happy with the outcome. In Music Videos years ago there were standard percentages and I recall 20% for the director being one of them.

Royce Allen Dudley

Investing in your career rather than the week, month or season, when you are starting out as a director do not underestimate the long term value of an established company supporting your work. You need to get your work out there. And do not confuse payroll with points. A director gets both a paycheck like everyone else on set, and a percentage of backend as defined in contract as well.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

After 20+ years in the industry, it never ceases to amaze me when someone doesn't jump at the opportunity when someone else is funding their movie, letting them direct AND sharing profits.... The M.O. in most "legit" situations is here's a few bucks for your script, now go away...

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