Your Stage : Video Feedback Please by Mark Dale

Mark Dale

Video Feedback Please

Hi folks - we've done a video for our new Music Platform, to try and appeal across a wide range of folks - from Musicians to Listeners - to Industry - I'd welcome any feedback please. On the Video and the Page

Also, we should have some News soon about TV Channels where we can promote your Film/Music/Videos etc

Martina Cook

Hi Mark! Well done on your project! As for the video you are asking feedback for, I’ve found it professional looking but a bit too long...some of the text, especially at the beginning, could be cut as it takes a while to read and I’m not sure how many people would read it all. But it’s good! Well done! All the best with your project... :)

Christi Goldman Chambers

Thanks for connecting. I think the video looks great. I agree you might want to shorten it. You have about 1-2 minutes to keep someone interested. People these days jump around so fast you have to get them in the first 30 seconds with your message. All the best

Mark Dale

thank you for the input folks - much appreciated !

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