Introduce Yourself : Introduction by Dan Sroka

Dan Sroka


Hi Everyone. I signed up for Stage32 a while back but am just now getting around to putting effort into making myself known on this site. I’m a Composer with experience in scoring mainly short films and am actually finishing up a feature at the moment. I continually learn from those I have the pleasure of working with and it’s been a great privilege having been a part of some great projects. I look forward to not only contributing an original score for your project, but also learning from you.

Best Regards,

Dan Sroka

Amanda Toney

Dan, we're glad you stepped out of the shadows to introduce yourself! Congratulations on scoring the feature you're working on. I've always loved this blog by fellow composer Timothy Andrew Edwards, hope you'll find it motivating!

Dan Sroka

Hi Amanda, thanks so much for pointing me to this blog, it's so insightful! I particularly resonate with the following: "One’s sensibilities cannot be taught to them, it usually starts with an inner voice already in place that can only be nurtured through direct experience". So eloquent of Timothy.

Amanda Toney

Glad you enjoyed it! Timothy has been in the community for years and I love his motivating words :)

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