Got this question, and I'll include how I answered it in the comments. But first, as a filmmaker, how would you want someone to approach you with a project?
"Just wondering, how do you approach an independent filmmaker to tell him you want to collaborate with him on a project? I really don't have any experience in filmmaking but I have these screenplays that I want to bring to life on screen and I have a strong sense of what I want visually. What are the things I need to mention? Do I need to prepare my logline, storyboard etc?"
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For posterity, my response: "My two cents - your question implies your approach, not your preparation, but I'll address both. Approach - sincere, enthusiastic but composed, and as brief as you can with a pointed question at the end. Ideally, something simple like "Would you be interested in getting coffee with me so I could walk through the lookbook with you?" You want your approach to be authentic because, as stated above, you'll want to know if that filmmaker jives with you, and you'll only know that if you are "yourself".
Your preparation can be anywhere from a treatment (bare-bones) to a pitch deck with the accompanying script, revised and endorsed through accolades, and endowed with talent attachments (full package). The real question is - can you wait? If you can't, whip up what you can in the next 24-48 hours, and make the ask. If you can, maybe wait a week, get some initial feedback on what you have so you can do some solid revisions, and then make that leap. "
If you want to talk to an indie filmmaker just email me! :)