Distribution : First Feature in the can! by Brandon Keeton

Brandon Keeton

First Feature in the can!

Hey everyone! I just Produced my first feature (and gave myself a small role in as well), and things are going pretty well so far but I believe that I am simply in ignorant bliss! Lol! I would love to know of how to take the next steps to distribution.

I was in the AWESOME seminar yesterday put on by Stage32 and it was eye opening and gave a definite path forward but I'd like your take. As the movie is being edited over the next few months, what can I do as a new Producer to get this thing seen by as many people as possible?

Thanks for your help and please, I was in the Marine Corps for 21 years. Be brutally honest. Trust me, I can take it.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

When you say "in the can" do you mean finished principal photography, or done editorial? In any event, DM me here, I would like to know more about your project.

Brandon Keeton

I just sent you a connection request. In the can in this instance means that principal photography is done. It's being edited now.

Emmanuel Ogidi-olu

Congratulations mate... that’s the beginning to more features

Wesley TC Howard II

Congratulations ❤

Karen "Kay" Ross

I just had a fantastic conversation with Johnny K. Wu who makes low budget feature films, and he suggested starting with international distributions to make your money back faster. I'll post the link to the interview later this weekend, but for now, you should add him to your network! https://www.stage32.com/mdifilm

Ewan Dunbar

Karen is right. An international distributor or sales agent will take your film to the international marketplace to present to distributors at film markets and festivals (both virtual at the moment) on your behalf. They will have up-to-date knowledge of current market trends and buying habits as well as pre-existing relationships with many international distributors.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Oh, hey, Ewan Dunbar! So lovely to see you here! Thanks for that spike, I appreciate your input!

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