Introduce Yourself : Actor new to Stage32 by Elina Gavare

Elina Gavare

Actor new to Stage32

Hey y'all! I am now starting to explore the life within Stage32 and was brought here by an inspiring "pitching to Netflix" webinar by this very platform.

I am an actor/performer residing in London. Recently was involved in a project "Black Mail" (later in the year on Netflix) with a Nollywood director where I got to be involved in the behind-the-scenes process as well as on screen which as an actor was such a blessing to be exposed to. Also, now working on my first screenplay which started as a fiction novel but being halfway in it, I felt that it should be translated for screen so I am on that new, confusing journey right now :)

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Elina Gavare! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage 32. If you'd like to learn more about myself and the Stage32 Team, we have an intro blog: Nice to meet you and welcome to the community!

I was looking over your profile, but you don't have much there. Maybe you could use some of this post to help build up your bio! I would highly recommend adding your bio (where you can expand on what you've done in the past or what you'd like to do in the future) to your profile for other members to better know how to interact with you. Feel free to reference my blog post on "Polishing Your Profile" to help guide you:

Wow, congrats on your Netflix project, that's awesome! I'd love for you to post in the Acting Lounge about the experience! Keep in mind that these lounges are like the VIP Filmmaker's Lounges at Film Festivals, so this is where you can meet the people doing the work, get advice on anything you're working on, and/or give back to those who may need advice. We're a very supportive and encouraging community! I think you'd also enjoy my intro blog post on how to engage with the Stage32 Community:

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect! And, of course, feel free to reach out at any time. Cheers!

Charlie Gill

Welcome, Elina! Best of luck! :)

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Hi Elina! Welcome to screenplay writing! Once you get the hang of it you will love it and never want to go back. It's a very specific craft and even though it seems easy at first, it is not! Consider joining the writer's room. Just check it out (red button top right). If you have any questions about it feel free to pm me.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Elina. Welcome. What's the genre for your screenplay?

Debbie Croysdale

Hi and welcome @Elina and congratulations on your recent acting role.

Carolyn Maitland

Hi Elina, Welcome to stage32 :) Enjoy your screenplay journey! If I can ever offer to help with a read or anything just drop me a message....happy to help :)

Elina Gavare

Thank you Sarah for the message and the recommendation. I can agree to that, it seemed at first that it will be easy but as i get more into writing, there are many aspects that make your head hurt a little. Thank you again, I will check the Writer's room! :)

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