Introduce Yourself : Hello From England by Fraser Dunphy

Hello From England

Hi guys. My name is Fraser, I'm an English screenwriter new to Stage 32 and can't believe I have only just found this site! What a truly amazing site and community. Time to stop hiding in the bushes with my binoculars and say hello.

I co-own a bar that has been shut for a year now so spend my days writing and trying to fend off the lockdown crazy. Currently in the process of sending out a TV pilot with some encouraging interest. Terrible, lazy, sometimes-I-want-to-punch-myself-in-the-face-I'm-so-bad networker, looking to remedy that. I'm feeling inspired by all you lovely people so just wanted to say hello really.

Randy Goodwin


Katherine De Bois

Hi Fraser,

It is a great site isn't it. It's all here.

Xaviera Iglesias

Hey Fraser, welcome to Stage 32! Sorry to hear about your bar, it has been a tough year..

Irene Peet

Hi Fraser! Welcome!

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

LOL it's hard to network when you're new to it This is a really safe space! Consider joining the Writer's Room (red button top right) There is an absolute gold mine of more than 102 webinars with executives and lessons on specific aspects of screenplay writing. But more importantly it's a small and deeplly supportive community of writers. We meet every Wednesday night, and there are now offshoot-groups meeting Mondays and Thursdays. The timing is awkward for Brits but there are at least two so far. Maybe I'll see you there!

B. Troy

Yeah it not easy I'm happy to be back again.

I'm the writer and I do product marketing.

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