Screenwriting : Flack by Cynthia Garbutt

Cynthia Garbutt


Have you guys seen this new show? It's on Amazon. I'm lovin' it!

Stephanie Brandolini

I've seen it and loved it! Love the dark/twisted character arc - though I guess she didn't exactly have an arc but the way it was done was so brilliant that despite all the horrible things she does we freaking love her! Well I did anyway ;) Hope there's a season 2!

Cynthia Garbutt

Yeah, 100% about the character arc. I actually like her cubicle partner's character better. A mean bitch with a heart of gold, deep down. There's a S2, I won't spoil it.

Stephanie Brandolini

Yes!! So happy to hear there's a S2. Off to find that!

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