Introduce Yourself : Hi! by Andrew Wilczak

Andrew Wilczak


Hi everyone, I'm Andy, I'm finishing my MFA in creative writing, focusing on screenwriting and learning how to direct on the side (once I get over how intimidating it feels!). I'm from northeast Pennsylvania and would love to connect with folks interested in collaborating, especially if you're in the region.

Kinney Scott

Has anyone done film on parkinson syndrom this very awful thing i know my family member suffers from this and we lost Maurice White of Earth Wind and Fire to this also

Harvey Read

Best of luck to you Andrew on your MFA! Also, Kinney Scott, I also had a family member who had Parkinsons. I would love to find a way to personally or see someone represent a condition that is seemingly passed over.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Andrew Wilczak. How are you doing? What are your favorite genres to write?

Andrew Wilczak

Hi Maurice Vaughan - my main interests are horror and comedy and the intersection between them.

Maurice Vaughan

I write the same genres, Andrew Wilczak. I mix them sometimes also.

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