Usually when I talk about transmedia with developers, managers, etc... Their ears perk up. I mean, when I say transmedia, I am talking about building a franchise so what business person wouldn't get excited, right?
This week I started taking a Business of Entertainment class via UCLA Extension and I asked my professor if they were going to talk about transmedia. They responded by saying no, that they have a negative association with transmedia. They said that it was a trend around 2013 and some people said they were going to do big things with it, then it didn't pan out, so they have this negative association. Has anyone else heard anything like this?
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Yes, I have, just went to a series festival and ran into a lot of people not knowing what transmedia was, and a few thinking it's a trend. Not necessarily that they had a bad experience with it, but that it fundamentally changes how they view the industry, their own story, and how to best utilize entertainment IP. Much how Scorsese holds series and streaming services in low esteem compared to films in theaters, some people will declare that entertainment IP should “stay true” to the original content style (If it’s a series, keep it one for the legacy of series makers, etc.).
I’m not surprised by the reaction, there will always be people trying to hold on to the familiar instead of embracing the future.
Thanks for that insight, Frank. I’ve been thinking about replacing the word transmedia with franchise to make it more clear.
Yes..with the launch of The Dark Knight years ago, transmedia popped due to how it was used to build community. Years later, its popularity diminished and seemed to be focused for marketing rather than multi-platform storytelling. "..and that's all I'm gonna say about that.." ~ Forrest Gump