Screenwriting : What a week! by Evelyne Gauthier

Evelyne Gauthier

What a week!

Hi everyone! Phew… What a week…

Received my coverage from Stage32 for my pilot yesterday and it’s going to need a lot more rewriting than I expected. Aouch. But, although it was hard on my ego, it was exactly what I needed. I had been struggling and running around in circles with this script for a while. I still think it’s promising stuff, but I realized that my text did not do justice at all to the concept I had imagined. And that the story wasn't going where I wanted it to. I needed a fresh perspective from a professional and I got some good advice and leads. So, when I finish writing the feature script I promised to finish by the end of November, it will be rewriting time for me.

In the meantime, I received good news this morning. My short script got selected as Quarterfinalist in the SWN TV Pilot Screenplay Competition Short Film! Woo-hoo! It’s now Top 48% of all projects on Coverfly and Top 38% of all Short Comedies. I know it's not much, and it’s far from the top, but it's a start, right? We look for the positive where we can.

So, basically, I got a kick in the groin and a pat on the back. What about you? How was your week?

Jerzy P. Suchocki

Awesome news for your short script, congrats on that! Any win, no matter how small or big, is always important (:

Maurice Vaughan

Congrats on the feedback and being a quarterfinalist, Evelyne Gauthier. I've been there with feedback (thinking a script was ready but needing to do more work). Cheering you along for both the November Write Club Challenge and the pilot!

I've been working on some short projects and rewriting feature scripts. I'm a few days from finishing my script for November Write Club Challenge.

Evelyne Gauthier

Jerzy, thanks, you're so right! :) Maurice, the rewriting is never over, right? ;) Lyter, at first, I took it a bit hard, but I had to admit that the comments were pretty spot-on. We learn so much here. And congrats to you! :)

Karen "Kay" Ross

That's how it happens sometimes LOL! Take those victories, though! It's what gets you through.

Evelyne Gauthier

Karen "Kay" Ross thank you. It's hard, sometimes, and the journey has bumps, but that's just part of life. It's really great to have a few victories, sometimes. Helps you stay afloat.

Evelyne Gauthier

So, I temporarily put my feature script on hold to work a bit on rewriting my pilot. After getting the coverage, I started to get some new ideas for my rewrite and I don't want to lose them. I'll be back to my feature script soon.

Maurice Vaughan

I've had that happen before, Evelyne Gauthier. Cheering you along for both projects!

Evelyne Gauthier

Thanks, Maurice! :)

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Evelyne Gauthier.

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