Producing : Warner Bros. Discovery Exploring Overhaul of DC Entertainment by MB Stevens

MB Stevens

Warner Bros. Discovery Exploring Overhaul of DC Entertainment

Do you think DC Entertainment needs to be revamped or nah?

Karen "Kay" Ross

Can the horse in "Neverending Story" revamp once it's stuck in the mud? I say no, and just enjoy the beautiful death scene LOL But The Batman did more than attempt to revive the franchise, in my opinion. It attempted to apologize to audiences for inadvertently influencing and inspiring a generation of domestic terrorists. I'm actually writing an article about it since it was triggering for me during my first viewing, but I'm working on making sure people know the importance of what it triggered.

Also, I think I'm going to relocate this to the Producing Lounge so more like-minded creatives can contribute ;-)

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Maybe instead they could look for like, good scripts and original ideas? Nawww... it'll be fine.

Elaine Haygood

I'm going to address this as a Comics FAN.

The first problem with this is Discovery hasn't learned the lesson from watching Disney deal with Entities like Marvel, Pixar, and Lucasfilm that you CAN'T bludgeon the Creatives ( and most importantly, the FANS ) with the demand that everything fit into some nice little box that you can just use as an ATM machine.

They (Discovery) appear to see Superhero Movies as just another money-making venture. That the Fans will take whatever you put out and be happy with it.

Thing is, Fans these days aren't about that.

The "face" of Fandom is changing as more BIPOC/Women in the Fandom make their voices heard and DEMAND not merely "inclusion" in the sense of putting a few more women and Non-White faces on the screen. But, the demand for stories that more clearly reflect their interests and situations as well.

You see it most immediately in the world of Indie Comics ( MY purview ) where a growing number of Creators are Women/BIPOC. But, you also see things in the more established sector as well with characters like the reimagining of Ms. Marvel, and Miles Morales' Spiderman.

Case in point: While many Sistahs are okay with Wonder Woman ( Diana Prince ). I hear a lot asking, "Where's Nubia"?

If you don't know who she is. Well, let's say in the right hands, she could be DC's answer to Black Panther.

Which is something I doubt anyone at Discovery has considered, either.

Cherelynn Baker

I bet DC Entertainment feels like a foster child being bounced from home to home. I'm not watching the new version of the same story. I am interested in seeing how these classic titles can be honored in storytelling. I'll be watching though afar from my lurking position. Thanks for sharing!

Winston Casey

100% this batman was 3 hours of absolute garbage...with an ugly, weak, & frail looking Batman...what the hell were they thinking. Need some comic book enthusiasts to direct Batman. They messed up DareDevil...Wonder Woman 2, almost had Superman...could still make it work maybe...and the one that they thought would be the most difficult, and avoided for years Aquaman is the most successful.

Winston Casey

Here's what I think should happen with DC...providing Dwayne Johnsons Black Adam doesn't workout. They should revamp and introduce MILESTONES::Dakota Verse start with ICON. and work backwards in releasing some of these catalogues.

Winston Casey

The same way how Wesley Snipes Blade was the launching & cementing of Superhero movies for Marvel...let ICON a black superhero do the same for DC. The same way black exploitation films saved Hollywood at one point. Sounds bad I know, since black filmmakers never seem to own the IP on anything in entertainment...and it seems to be a pattern of black people to the rescue. Maybe somebody will change that

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