Your Stage : Feature Film: Hitler's Secret by John Curry

John Curry

Feature Film: Hitler's Secret

What happened to all that Nazi gold left in Hitlers bunker? The answer to this story is here in this 120 page film sceenplay.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Could be a cool story!! Never knew that there was Nazi gold in Hitler's bunker, but they're still looking for it in Lake Toplitz.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Yeah, could be interesting, though I never heard there ever was gold of any sort in Hitler's bunker. Unless you're talking about a different bunker than Berlin.

John Curry

A soldier's eyewitness account, this is in time two hours after Speer and Waters had left the bunker, the only sound was the drone of the ventilation system and artillery fire coming from outside its walls. Hitler opened the door, I saw a pile of grates, he began ranting and shouting. His order was to get him and the grates out. By the time this adventure is complete there's a lot more at stake than gold...

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