Screenwriting : Next steps by Mark Kitchen

Mark Kitchen

Next steps

I'm looking to become an active member of this network of screenwriters, rather than just a contact, in the hope that as a collective we can share knowledge and experiences that will hopefully further all of us along this journey.

I'm based in the UK so I'd be especially interested in any upcoming UK events etc for the purposes of networking.

I started down this road about 14 years ago, but it's really only the last 7 that my writing has evolved to a professional level. This was confirmed with my most recent script receiving a Recommend from an Industry Reader on Stage 32!

I'd love to hear from anyone else in the UK or further afield, especially your experiences of pitching or approaching Producers/managers/agents on Stage 32 or elsewhere.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Mark Kitchen. Congrats on getting a Recommend. I'm not in the UK, but I've been able to network with industry people all over the world. You can build relationships with people worldwide on here by interacting with them, supporting their projects, making more posts in the Screenwriting lounge (and other areas of this platform), and commenting on people's posts in the Screenwriting lounge (and other areas of this platform). I've found a lot of success by doing these things. As you do these things, continue to work on your craft and learn the business side of the industry.

Rosalind Winton

Hi Mark, I'm in the UK. I've received a few rounds of feedback from producers on my screenplay, which has been extremely helpful, I think the trick here is to network extensively, make connections and keep going.

Lyndon Booth

Raindance does monthly online and in-person meets in London. Raindance is great!

Molly Peck

Welcome to the community Mark!

Craig D Griffiths

Hi Mark, take a look at it is ran by CJ (who you will bump into on here). He is also UK based and I made my UK contact through that site.

Mark Kitchen

Thanks Craig I have already signed up to Script Revolution, but i'm unsure how to build a network via that platform as there seems to be little to no interaction between writers and producers/managers other than on the discussion forums.

CJ Walley

Lookup Ronika Merl and Stephen Thomas Ford. Plenty of interaction between industry members and writers on Script Revolution but, for obvious reasons, it's mainly in private.

Maurice Vaughan

I've networked with some writers and filmmakers on Script Revolution, but it's mostly been in private messages (as CJ pointed out).

Maurice Vaughan

Mark Kitchen, you can network with people on Script Revolution through the Forums.

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