Introduce Yourself : Let's connect and TELL STORIES! by Nevin Millan

Nevin Millan

Let's connect and TELL STORIES!

I'm a filmmaker, writer, actor based in Los Angeles. I moved here in the mid-2000s for my acting career, but a few years into it began producing and writing, and eventually directing. I've produced several festival-circuit short films over the years and written several feature film screenplays, shorts, Episodics (scripted and unscripted).

I'm also into theater. I've written two full length stage plays and two short form stage plays. All of which could probably be converted to film scripts. One of them was a quarterfinalist in the Screencraft stage play contest in 2019.

I love action/adventure, period pieces, sci-fi, and drama genres.

As an actor, I've acted in over 100 indie projects (films, shorts, new media), including some I've written for myself. I'm great with accents and character work. My website:

As a person of ethnic diversity, I'm an active advocate for diversity in entertainment. You can read an article I wrote about this for the Huffington Post here:

My non-profit that supports ethnically diverse American playwrights:

Looking forward to making friends and working together in the future.

Ilan Breil

I'll have to sift through you stuff but this looks great! What's your main goal as far as using Stage 32?

Ashley Parker

You have quite the resume, Nevin! I always admire people who are able to effortlessly switch between different storytelling mediums. As a TV writer, I struggle so much with the play writing format!

Kwame Agyapong


Maurice Vaughan

It's great to meet you, Nevin Millan. I really enjoyed your film. Great visuals. The space scenes (when the ship is passing through space) are beautiful.

Abdur Mohammed

Nice to meet you Nevin. Love the artwork.

Nevin Millan

Ilan Breil Thanks Ilan! It's a really good question. Aside from networking, of course, I'd like to secure reps for my writing/filmmaking, polish up some of my scripts and have some execs decision makers take a look at them.

Nevin Millan

Ashley Parker Thanks for the kind words Ashley! Basically I read hundreds of each format to get familiar with each one, plenty of workshops, had a few mentors, and always still learning. Plays are tough in that you have to get creative with the staging element and it's so dialogue heavy. Table reads with actors help a lot to iron things out in the rewrite process. Best of luck!

Nevin Millan

Maurice Vaughan Very much appreciated, Maurice, thanks for watching.

Nevin Millan

@Abdur Mohammed Likewise, and thanks!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Nevin Millan. Is "The Ferryman" part of a larger series?

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