Introduce Yourself : Just my first feature film by Brimo Morales

Brimo Morales

Just my first feature film

What’s up everybody?!

I’m Brimo Morales, a lesbian filmmaker from Texas. I just finished shooting my very first feature film, titled Sacred Vision. When a non-binary witch stops taking their antidepressants, they start seeing visions of future crimes before they happen.

The plan is to have the world premier at AFM in November. I was also fortunate enough to find out my script God Loves Chris is a quarterfinalist of the Stage 32 Female Driven screenplay contest. I won first runner up at AFM 2020 pitching this script so I’m super excited about it still gaining traction. I would definitely love to make that one soon.

I’m happy to be here and to get to know other filmmakers. Thanks for the opportunity Stage 32.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Brimo Morales. Congrats on finishing your first feature film, and congrats on being a quarterfinalist in the Female Driven Screenplay Contest. How was it filming your first feature?

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