Success Stories: MAY'24 Looking for producers agents or managers to kick off my career

Drew Crocker

Looking for producers agents or managers to kick off my career

I am very new to LA and have not yet known where to go to try and pitch my ideas or show producers proof of concept. I have a pilot episode shot and now would love to put it in front of the eyes of someone who could help bring it to an audience. Any suggestions on where to point my ship to start getting into dialogue with anyone who could help?

Daniel Latteo

Hey Drew, how are you doing?

Here I'll try to answer you specifically about the comment you made on my post.

Well, as far as rejection go... there are many ways to experience them really (although I think in some ways, you've had a longer experience than I had in filmmaking).

In regard to rejections to the projects you pitch, well, those you get mostly from producers or production companies (I've got 2 so far)- but you onow what!? They're not a big deal! And I'll give you a few reasons behind my thinking-- N'1 Sometimes execs people or resp. of production people reject you becase they simply didn't get the potential behind your idea, or because they simply they weren't listening to you pitching, because they were too busy surfing Instagram or watching the latest photocall from Cannes- in short, nothing to worry about those kind of rejections. They will likely never make nor be able to choose a good project anyway... cause they're blinded by their "Socialite way of life".

N'2 A rejection can teach you a lot about your potential, your dedication, your courage, and, most of all, your pitching technique. Every time I get out of that room, I ask to myself "Ok, what did we learn this time? Had more to do with me or with them? Did I pitch to the best of my abilities? Was I sloppy? Did I need perhaps a different angle?...A kickass idea nobody has yet done at a pitch? How can I improve?... And be looser?...Be brighter?" And then I go back to work.

As far as Agencies and Agents are concerned, I, in order to get represented by mine, I had to go through quite a long period of work- researching the Agency, sending an email with my request for representation, ask for a meeting with the the agent,... And after all that, I had to send some of my material to them- info, CV, Showreel, Social Network/Video Platforms links, and ultimately pass a selection (because I wasn't the only one who wanted it). So, it was not the end of the world in terms of difficulty, but it wasn't that easy either.

Best of luck with it, and if I'm ever in LA (which I should be soon) we could meet up.

Best, Daniel

Oluwatosin Are

Hi Daniel nice to meet you on stage 32 like to get a reply from you

Maurice Vaughan

How's it going, Drew Crocker? I don't know much about getting your project in front of someone in LA, but you can pitch your project to industry pros on Stage 32 (

Oluwatosin Are

Hi maurice nice to meet you on stage 32

Drew Crocker

Thank you Daniel Latteo ! I really appreciate you sharing your process with me :) Where do I even start looking for that type of representation? I'll start my google searching but any leads would be greatly appreciated :)

Cherelynn Baker

Welcome to Stage 32 Drew! Where to point to get in to dialogue? Right here! Have you visited the distribution or producer lounge? Maybe post on the job board for what you are looking for? There is so much on this platform to help you!

Daniel Latteo

Drew Crocker

Thank you Drew!... Well, the best advice I can give you ( that they gave me) is searching both Agencies and Production companies through Internet & the social networks... Some of their execs and agents even leave their profile available for contact on FB & Insta.

That's the way I did it... I was looking for actors for my first feature film. Usually you want to search for actors through agencies. I came across this agency in Sweden that I thought was very nice and solid, I loved it and I started pursuing them for representation.

Only, do not think that identifying the agency or production company is the end of it, then you have to grind it and look for a way in-.usually a connection, a friend, somebody who has developed (for whatever reason) a sympathy for you through the exchange you had on socials, or you have to try and hustle your way in. And I mean a brash and drastic act of hustling.

I didn't do it for me (I mean I did it with production companies, but not in regard to agents)... It wasn't necessary and hasn't been yet... But I know of various emerging artists who do this every single day.

See you around here, Drew. I sincerely hope this helps.

Drew Crocker

Daniel Latteo thanks again. I'll keep grinding. nothing shows that you can do it... more than actually doing it :)

Drew Crocker

Thank you Cherelynn Baker ! I just went over there and will continue to use this platform as a resource to pursuit my dreams :)

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Oluwatosin Are. It's nice to meet you also.

Daniel Latteo

Oluwatosin Are

Likewise, Oluwatosin!

Suvo Molla


Kenneth Dyson


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