Introduce Yourself : Happy Introduce Yourself Weekend - October Edition by Shellie Schmals

Shellie Schmals

Happy Introduce Yourself Weekend - October Edition

Hello there creative friends -

I'm Shellie Schmals, Director of Community here at Stage 32 - I see the party has already started for IYW weekend!! Here's a little short cut to my intro >> , you can read all about my love for film festivals, burlesque, and joining organization for networking purposes!

I'm hoping to make a lot of connections this weekend, so please send me a network request!

If you are new to Stage 32 - Kay Ross wrote a helpful blog about building your profile, >>

I love following up with people, so if you have a complete profile, it's easier to find information on your projects and current works.

My theme song for IYW is "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor (movie: Rocky 3)!! It's a great dance song & super motivating to me!! What about you? What song is bringing you into the weekend?? Drop in the comments below :)

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for being such a helpful and inspiring Director of Community, Shellie Schmals. I don't have a theme song heading into the weekend. Maybe "Eye of the Tiger" like you since it's such a great pump-up song (getting pumped up to write and network). :)

Shellie Schmals

Awe!! Maurice Vaughan - thank you!! and we can all "eye of the tiger"!!

Geoff Hall

Shellie Schmals I’m amazed that I’m just seeing this. Anyways, my song for the weekend (again) would be Death Cab for Cutie’s song Foxglove Through the Clearcut:

“There was a man who used to live by the ocean

But he never set foot in the sea

It made him nervous that the water was always in motion

And he feared the creatures who swam beneath”

Until IYW, when he set foot in the sea and swam with the creatures beneath!

Ava Boudi

Where can I find a list of upcoming film festivals in the NYC area? I keep missing them

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Shellie Schmals. I just looked up "eye of the tiger." All these years I didn't know what it meant. Haha

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