Your Stage : New to Stage 32 by Michael Bentivegna

Michael Bentivegna

New to Stage 32

Hello. I just joined Stage 32 at the recommendation of a writer contact. Over the past three years I've created and copyrighted a sitcom titled "Dealership". Set in a car dealership, I have a Treatment I'd like to share with anybody who is interested. I also have three full length (22 minute) copyrighted scripts that have been written with professional, credentialed writers. I look forward to engaging with the Stage 32 community.

Richard "RB" Botto

Hey Michael! First and foremost, welcome to the community. Fantastic to have you here. I see you're a screenwriter, but your profile says Marketing/PR. You can add or edit screenwriter on your profile page.

Congrats on all the scripts. When you get a moment, hit up our development team and let them know what you are writing so they can point you in the right direction. You can reach them at

Michael Bentivegna

Thank you, Richard. Stage32 came highly recommended to me!

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Michael Bentivegna. Glad your writer contact pointed you here. It's a great place to collaborate with writers, directors, producers, etc. and find resources/opportunities.

Here's a blog about navigating the platform (, and here's the Screenwriting Lounge (

Do you have a pitch deck for "Dealership"? A pitch deck can help you pitch the show.

Ranelle Golden

That sounds exciting Michael!!! :)

Michael Bentivegna

Maurice. Thank you for the welcome and the helpful information. I don't have a pitch deck yet, just the Treatment and three complete scripts. I have had initial discussions with a writer on having him create a pitch deck.

Richard "RB" Botto

Grateful to whomever invited you here, Michael. This entire community of nearly 1 million has been crowdsourced by our members inviting others to join. That's what makes this community so positive minded, forward thinking and, most of all, so successful.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Michael Bentivegna. I make pitch decks, so if you need someone to review your pitch deck when you get one done, let me know.

Michael Bentivegna

Thanks Maurice. Will do.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Michael Bentivegna.

Sille Larsen

Michael Bentivegna - So happy to have you here! BIG welcome! Can´t wait to follow your work! Make sure to subscribe to our lounges!

Michael Bentivegna

Thanks Sille

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