Screenwriting : Screenwriting, Networking by Josiah Bhola Hillaire

Josiah Bhola Hillaire

Screenwriting, Networking

I’m working on my script and I’m loving the phase where the writer and characters are getting to know each other and I wanted to ask, which phase as a writer do you love the most when it comes to writing and or telling a story?

Maurice Vaughan

I love when I'm outlining a new idea, Josiah Bhola Hillaire. That's my favorite part of a project.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Josiah: My favorite phase is reading through the finished result to see how well the scenes connect.

Debbie Croysdale

@Josiah The end result providing all the scenes flow and characters are fully birthed.

Josiah Bhola Hillaire

Mine too Maurice Vaughan

Josiah Bhola Hillaire

Dan MaxXx Mine too

Josiah Bhola Hillaire

Good answer Debbie Croysdale

Marvin Younathin

Josiah Bhola Hillaire the ideation phase is the best part for me. I love coming up with new ideas before writing and while writing the script.

Alicia Vaughan

Difficult question for me. I would say, the last pages of a feature script. Outlining gives me a lot of anxiety and starting the script as well.

Christiane Lange

I like when I hit on the perfect plot point to let my characters show themselves.

Tim Bragg

For me, the drafts bring it all together and by the time you have your fifth draft, your like, wow. I cannot believe I got this from where I started.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Marcelo: Check you out, spamming every thread. Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying.

Tim Bragg

Phillip I clicked Marcelo's links, why would anybody pay to have a negative and positive google review? LOL.

Maurice Vaughan

I reported Marcelo to Stage 32, Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal". They deleted his account.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Tim: Marcelo or whoever he is, a web parasite looking for free but inappropriate channels to pitch his wares. I had three S32 friend requests from guys like this on Friday. I just deleted them.

Doug Nelson

Yeh, Uncle Phil - I find that the 'delete' button is good for my blood pressure.

Pamela White

I've written one so far. It's in the in-between phase. Anyway, thus far, I've enjoyed the part after formatting, where I reread it for overall impressions of the story.

Alana Gerdes

I love it when all the pieces start to click. I often start a story with a certain idea in mind, but then the characters start having a life of their own. It becomes a mess but then I strip the story down and it all becomes untangled, making perfect sense.

Bill Albert

When the characters start to do things I don't expect. It's when they take on a life of their own that I feel the most confident.

Erik Meyers

What a great question! I love pulling everything together at the end for the reader.

Keith Crawford

I agree once the diialogue starts then the story really unfolds. My best ideas have come from the opening scene then I know where to take the story until conclusioin.

Marian Betts

I'm working on the first script from a novel I wrote and am enjoying honing the story for the screen. The challenge is making sure the viewer knows some of the back story so that they understand why a character did what they did. and I am loving it as it all comes together.

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